Chapter 26 📱

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SeokJin's POV

"Wow, what a great morning," I smile at my phone feeling joyous. I'll give her my code after work, I think to myself as I wait for the elevator.


I twirl into the elevator and click the button to my office humming happily.

"Ah, Mr. Kim!" I suddenly hear my name being shouted out. I notice it's Taehyung's father and quickly stop the doors from closing.

"Phew, thanks Mr. Kim," He pats my back, and the doors close.

"No problem, sir. How was your weekend?" I ask to be nice.

"Wonderful, I took your word for it and talked to Taehyung," He brings up what I advised him a few days ago.

"Yes, I remember you leaving early because he visited,"

"Yes, and he told me he does have a girlfriend!" President Kim sounds quite happy, I wonder what Tae told him.

"That's great President Kim. Glad Taehyung opened up to you," I smile curious of why he seems so happy if Tae told him about y/n and isn't firing me. Am I that good at my job? Of course I am, I smile more confidently.

"But the thing is he didn't tell me anything about her," He crosses his arms upset.

"I give him enough space but he still doesn't like to communicate," He seems more sad than upset.

My smile fades seeing how president Kim feels, "Don't worry sir, you should remember how it was when you were starting a relationship. You just want to keep them to yourself, especially in the beginning," I try to comfort him.

"Hmm, you're right. I was very clingy with Taehyung's mother, still very much am," President Kim smiles reminiscing the past.

"You can be quite insightful Mr. Kim. Does that mean you have a special woman in your life?" He gives me the same look of curiosity that Taehyung gives me when prying for answers.

I chuckle at the similarity, "What's so funny?"

"Taehyung has certainly got your traits sir," I smile at him and nod, "I do have a girlfriend,"


"What? Since when? I thought this job would take a lot of your time to even meet a woman," President Kim seems a bit too surprised, I am a handsome man but I don't want him to think I'm narcissistic.

"Yes. You do keep me busy President Kim. Thankfully we still managed to cross paths," I say as we walk out the elevator and I'm happily reminded of y/n.

"Haha. That's great Mr. Kim!" He pats me warmly, "She must be wonderful if she captured the eye of a busy man like you,"

"She's amazing," I sigh feeling blissed.


"Mr. Kim," My assistant comes in, "I have those documents you asked for yesterday,"

I wave him in and he hurries to place them in a stack of papers filed IN.

He remains standing by my desk, so I look up at him, "Is there anything else?" I cross my arms and give him my attention.

"You have someone on line 3 wanting to talk to you," He mentions.

"Oh, who is it?" I look at my watch to see it's almost lunchtime, "I shouldn't have anyone calling me until after lunch,"

"He said he was your professor in college. Um, he said he's the one who helped you with applying to this company," My assistant explains.

"Oh! Okay, I'll go ahead and answer. Thank you," he leaves me and I pick up my phone and dial 3.

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