Chapter 6

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Finally, we make it back "Thanks Hyungie," Yoongi says as we get out of the car and I couldn't help but smile and giggle at how cute he is for that.

"Yeah thanks, Hyung," Jimin says.

When I hop out I notice a figure standing by the gate, then I see it's Taehyung outside and I rush over to give him a surprise hug, "Hey where are you going?" Jin shouts as I rush up to Taehyung.

"Woah!" He lifts his arms and looks under to see me and I see smoke coming from his hand.

"You're smoking?" I let go of him and he turns around to reveal the black tip of something in his fist.

"Well, not a cigarette." He holds it up to show me the little rectangle blue machine.

"Hey Tae, what are you doing out here?" Jimin asks as the guys catch up to me.

"Just out of habit I guess," He shows Jimin what's in his hand before taking another puff then looks back over to me, "You don't mind it?" He asks.

"You didn't know?" Yoongi asked.

I shake my head, "I knew but I never really caught him in the act. I don't have a problem with it, since Jooheon smokes actual cigarettes," I rub Tae's arm.

"Why do you say it like that?" Tae chuckles.

"Yeah, like if you caught him doing something horrible," Jimin laughs but Yoongi nudges him and Jin nudges Tae.

I smile and shake my head, "Don't feel the need to walk on glass with some of your words guys," I pat Jin and Yoongi on the shoulders.

"Let's go inside, yeah?" I walk up to Tae again.

Tae kisses my forehead and wraps his arm over my shoulders pulling me in close as he shoved the pin in his jacket pocket, "Ok let's go," it's a small squeeze inside the elevator but Jin's the first stop, "Don't forget about our lunch date tomorrow," He kisses me before leaving the elevator, "I won't," I smile at him as the doors close.

"So you have a date tomorrow huh?" Tae nuzzles his head on top of mine.

"Yeah, he wanted to go today but I was with you," I explained.

"Awh! We could of all gone together! Free food from Hyung!" He shouts too excited about almost lunch together.

"Yeah, we don't always have to be one on one," Yoongi says, "Like earlier at work,"

"But you were so forward about not wanting me at your shop earlier," Jimin gives a fake smile.

"Oh yeah... still," the elevator stops and we walk out, "Do you want to say goodnight to Goo? I think he should be home-"

"I hear voices out hear," I turn and see a smiling Hoseok, "I knew it! You're back!" He rushes over bumping between Tae and Jimin.

He wraps his arms around my waist and lifts me twirling around then puts me down giving me a comforting squeeze. "I've missed you, how were work and school?"

I smile seeing how excited Hoseok was to see me, I run my fingers through his damp hair, "I just got home myself and finish taking a shower," He smiles brightly.

"It was all nice! But the day seemed to fly by," I sigh remembering how productive I was during school then at work.

"Don't be sad, tomorrow will be even better. So who are you staying with tonight?" He asks then looks over at the guys.

"It's Taehyung tonight, Jimin tomorrow, then Yoongi, and Seokjin," I feel so busy.

"Wow, everyone already got their days. I want to be last though," He says.

Making It WorkOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora