Chapter 24 💦

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I pace back and forth waiting for Namjoon train to come. "Relax, pacing like that will only worry him if he sees you," Jooheon tries to stop me.

"You're right, you're right. I don't need to worry them," I stand still but start to gnaw at the tip of my thumb.

Jooheon places his hand on mine and pushes it down, "That's also something you should stop doing,"

I sigh and lean my forehead on his chest, "What a disaster, running into him like that,"

Jooheon pats my back, "Now imagine me. I can't believe how fast you jumped and hid," He chuckles and causes me to laugh along remembering what I did.

I look up at him, "I already apologized about 20 times, I thought I was ready to face him again. I really did, Jooheon," I pause feeling my voice cracking, "But I guess I'm not even close to being normal again," I try to hold tears from forming because I have already done enough crying about him ages ago.

"Hey now. What do you mean, look at you," Jooheon pulls me away from his chest and holds my arms, "You've come so far. You stopped talking to other men, you told someone who wasn't even close to you about what happened, and you've moved on and found... 7 boyfriends," He gives me an awkward smile and it makes me smile seeing he's trying.

"Who said normal was cool anyways," He gives me his best smile showing off his dimples, Gosh I miss Namjoon already. I get what he's trying to do though.

"You're right Jooheon, I set the standards to my own normal," I feel a bit better.

They announce Namjoon's train arrival, and Jooheon lets go of my arms, "Thank goodness, I'm tired of carrying these bags," I laugh and lightly smack his arm.

Once the doors open I wait and watch as everyone walks out. I finally see him with his faded pink almost blonde hair, "Hey!" Namjoon walks up with open arms.

I rush over and feel his warm embrace. Now I feel a whole lot better.

"Hi," Jooheon cuts in on the moment.

"Oh! I'm sorry, Namjoon this is Jooheon my hometown friend, and Jooheon this is Namjoon, my boyfriend," Namjoon looks at me with a big grin showing off those wonderful dimples Jooheon made me miss while holding out his hand to greet Jooheon.

"What?" I giggle feeling shy from his gaze.

"Oh I'm sorry," Namjoon snaps back and looks at Jooheon, then at me up and down, then back to Jooheon, "She happily surprised me when she introduced me as her boyfriend,"

Jooheon lets go of his hand and looks at me with a smile, "I'm glad to see you both can make each other happy," Jooheon politely says.

I'm a bit surprised he's behaving nicely. Usually, he gives a snappy remark about me.

"So you two had a good outing today?" Namjoon wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close.

"Yes we did, Jooheon helped me pick out some gifts for you guys" I smile looking up at him.

"Oh really?" He looks at Jooheon with a grin, "Well it's good that you had a guy's point of view with you," We all laugh and I feel good that we all seem to clique.

"Yeah, she needed it. I hope you guys enjoy the gifts but I should go. On my days off I like to rest but I couldn't deny a free coffee," Jooheon says grabbing the bags that were next to him and handing some to Namjoon and me.

"Thanks again for the coffee y/n," Jooheon smiled.

"No thank you Jooheon. I'm glad we got a chance to hang out again," I go up to him and give him a big hug.

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