Chapter 8 💵

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"I was in middle school when I met someone with who my father was going to first partner with." He says and I feel my head rise along with his chest as he took in a breath of air and lets out a big sigh, "He introduced me to him once I got home and I didn't think anything negative of him at first. He asked to use the bathroom and I offered to show him where,"

I rub the back of Taehyung's hand with my thumb, "I waited for him in the hallway because I thought it'll be rude to just leave him," he explains his reason for standing outside, "I started hearing him talking and out of curiosity I moved closer to the door and heard him on the phone with someone,"

"I didn't know exactly to who but I heard my father's name and talking about how naive he was for thinking his business would move any further and that he only came to hear how ridiculous his presentation will be. Then he started laughing," he said giving my hand a light squeeze, "I got so angry so fast as soon as he got out I couldn't stand the big grin he had on his face, I yelled at him to get out of the house," Taehyung chuckles.

"No! You yelled at the man?" I look up at him questioning his actions.

"I couldn't help it, I don't know if you notice but I'm pretty impulsive," He smiles at me.

"Yeah, I notice," I lay my head back down and he kisses my head.

"Yeah I was scolded for that by my dad and I never really did get yelled at by him before so I was pretty upset. My mom came into my room that night and told me that he didn't end up partnering with the guy,"

"That's good he believed you," I say feeling happy about that.

"Yeah, I was pretty happy about it, that's when my mom told me to be cautious with people cause they can be two-faced," He finished explaining.

"Wait, she said two-face?"

"Well no, but she gave me a big explanation of why I should be more selfish with my time and who I give it to because they can end up doing what that man was doing and be happy for my downfall," he says.

"Oh, I see," I look over to our hands and feel how soft and notice how slim they are.

"After that, I admired my dad more, my last year of middle school was the last year I spent in Daegu. We moved to Seoul to benefit the business and benefit it did, enough to send me to a prestigious private high school," He says.

"What school?" I ask wondering which school helped him get into the college we're in now since it takes excellent grades to barely cut it and I remember Jimin sometimes canceling on me to help his roommate which is Taehyung on his projects and assignments.

"Hmmm Yongsan International High School," He says one of the elite high schools I heard of, I lift my head and give him a shocked expression.

"So there was like foreign students there too?" I ask him and he just starts to laugh, "Why? Why are you laughing?"

"You're so cute," he says between his chuckles, "You look so amazed," he starts to calm down and sighs with relief.

"Don't make fun of me," I pout and try to move away from him but he pulls me back in.

"No I'm not, don't take it that way," he starts giving me kisses on my cheek, "I didn't mean to laugh like that, you just looked so cute I got so happy I started laughing," he continues to give me kisses until I couldn't help it either and start smiling and laughing.

"See, now you're laughing," I push his face away and compose myself.

"Okay I see your point," I smile and he smiles at me back.

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