Chapter 15

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"Huh!" I wake up feeling hot and something heavy falling off my chest. I look to my side and see it's Jimin with unruly hair. I wipe the beads of sweat from my forehead and decide to get up and use the toilet.

I open the door and peek out, it seems a bit spooky at night. I look over to Tae's room and could barely see in the dark but I notice a still empty bed.

"I should have checked the time," I just stood up and had to pee. Once I finish and wash my hands and face I open the door and look back inside Taehyung's room.

It seems something is off and I squint my eyes to try to zoom in as if that helps, but I notice something moving from the bed a dark figure rushing to me, "AHH-" my mouth is covered quickly and I start to shake and pound my fists on whoever this intruder was.

"Y/n, ouch, wait it's me your teddy bear," He says removing his hand from my mouth and trying to stop my fists of fury.

"What!?" I whisper yell, "Why would you run up to me in the dark like that!? Aish! Are you trying to give me a heart attack at a young age!?" I lightly pound my chest making sure my heart doesn't stop.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry I just didn't want you screaming and waking Jimin up. I'll make a memo not to do that again," He laughs and turns on the hallway light and I could see the goofy yet adorable smile on his face.

"Ha~~," I sigh seeing as I'm not upset with him anymore, "Did you just get back? What time is it?" I ask him crossing my arms and whispering normally.

"It's 2 am," He looks down at his watch and back up at me with a smile.

"Why'd you come back so late? It's dangerous out there at night. You should have stayed with your parents," I scold him seeing as he came home super late.

"Awww were you worried about me?" He pulls me in for a hug and rests his chin on my head, "As much as I love it don't worry too much, I had the driver being me home. He dropped me off right in the front," He says petting the back of my head.

That's when I remembered this guy has money. He had a driver drop him off, he didn't even walk, he got dropped off right by the front. I get a bit baffled seeing as I'm dating this guy.

"There you are. Oh, you're home too," Jimin says looking tired standing by his door with bed hair.

"Yeah, I wanted to stay home tonight," He tells Jimin.

Jimin's sleepy eyes look over to me, "Ah, I would come home too," Jimin softly smiles at us.

"Okay, I see Jimin is tired and you must be tired too," Taehyung says kissing my forehead, thank goodness I rinsed my sweat away in the sink.

"Let's all get some sleep," Taehyung says letting go and I feel that emptiness again for some reason but then Jimin hugs me from behind and I feel his warm embrace around me and I smile.

"Goodnight Taehyung," I pucker up and he looks over to Jimin who's right behind me and I could feel him nodding.

Tae leans in and gives me a cute peck goodnight, "I'll see you guys in the morning. You don't have class right?" He asks me before closing his door.

"Nope," I shake my head, "Okay I'll go in before I go to mines and say bye," He informs me and I nod.

"Hey, aren't you going to kiss me goodnight too?" Jimin says with a sarcastic tone.

"Oh yeah almost forgot," Taehyung rushes us but Jimin tries to dodge his lips moving his head side to side behind mine.

"As much as I love being in the middle of you two... this is giving me whiplash," I laugh and they stop.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Jimin kisses my cheek trying to apologize.

"See for playing around," Taehyung puts his hands on his hips looking as though he's ready to punish Jimin, "I'll let you off the hook this time Jimin. Next time you're getting a spanking," He says goofily.

Oh? A spanking he says? I try not to smile as I think about the scene, "That's hot," my eyes widen and I bite my lip closed. I wasn't supposed to say that aloud.

"What was that?" Jimin looks at me over my shoulder.

"Huh? Nothing. Nothing," I try not to make eye contact because his gaze can be very endearing sometimes.

"Hahaha, I see she likes to switch," Taehyung says after laughing.

I look over at him a bit shocked seeing he knows the term. Is he kinky? Is Jimin kinky? I feel a bit bashful being between them and Jimin holding me so close.

It feels like earlier with Namjoon and Hoseok. Even though I was going to do something with Yoongi it's different right now, it's two of them, not just one.

"Maybe we can find out another time, she must be tired," Jimin says he must have felt me tense up a bit.

"If she wants to," Taehyung says giving me a wink before closing his door.

We go back to laying down and he holds me close, "Jimin?" I call out his name.


"Are you okay with all of this?" I ask him.

"All of what?" He sounds confused.

"With you, me, and the guys. All of us together in a sense," I want to see if he is okay, I hope his brother doesn't hate him or Jungkook.

"I'm fine with it, why are you having second thoughts?" He asks me, "Is it too much?" He seems worried now.

"No. No, I'm happy with you all I'm just worried what your family might think," I gasp, "What would my mother think?" I sigh and dig my face in his chest for worrying about them all and not even thinking about me and my mom. These guys really have changed my selfish ways.

"Why would she be upset?" He rubs my back.

"I have no idea, she's very lenient but I don't think she'll be able to brush past the fact her daughter is with 7 men," I say smooshed against his chest, his scent calming me as I sigh again.

"When are you going to tell her?" He asks.

I bite my lip not knowing when, I look up and he is already looking at me, "I'll give it a few more months. We all did barely get together. When are you going to tell your parents and brother?" I rub little circles on his bicep.

"I'll give it a few months too. The guys all probably will wait a while too to tell any of their family," Jimin says.

"That'll be good," I yawn feeling my slumber coming back.

"Let's go back to sleep before Taehyung comes and wakes us up," He says as I feel his smile on my head, I nod and quickly fall asleep in his arms.

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