46. Spawn

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I guess babies do just eat and sleep. They only started moving around after their eyes opened. Time to cherish the peace. Any spawn of mine will have a chaotic alignment.

I can't believe I'm a mom. Like an actual one. Childbirth sucked balls, but it wasn't as horrible as I expected. It still fucking sucked, but it lasted like an hour. Mom said she was in labor for 17 hours and told me it was the worst pain she ever experienced.

I didn't believe her since she rolled out more kids after me. Who would willing sign themselves up for that hell? Not me. To avoid that... I can breastfeed for a long time and not get knocked up. I think that's how it works. Pretty sure that's what Qingqing did and it's worth a shot. I'm not ready for another round anytime soon.

About two weeks in, I decided it was worth it. At least mostly. Watching the three men be parents was both sappy and amusing. The big bad tiger man, held the boys like they were made of glass. Puppy Shuu was a natural, and was constantly stepping up to help care for them. Harvey was a good dad. I expected no less. The man was only bad at singing.

I had been bored stiff and weaved several baskets and even tried my hand at wood carving. Shuu didn't want me manning a knife even if it was a tiny one. Apparently, Shuu and Winston got into a fight over that. Winston naturally won, but I told the beasts that if they fight over something that stupid again, they are sleeping in the coop.

Sure that wasn't nice, but come on. It's a tiny knife for god's sake. One that I asked for. Winston wasn't at fault, but it felt unfair to just threaten Shuu. I have to be the bad bitch. Show who's in charge. I won't have them pushing me around and telling me what I can and can't do.

Once the babies opened their eyes, they started running around and I became a helicopter. I don't know how much the little guys can handle. They would run face first into a wall or trip into the ash pile. It was fucking stressful. Eventually, I couldn't take the stress of being cooped up anymore and carried them out in a basket.

I felt like a smart bitch. I asked Harvey about culture tips and apparently, baskets were used to carry young, not other shit. A waste, but hey, I can live with it. We can figure out an alternative for other stuff. Well the men can. I am okay with looking like a fuck up, since it'll happen, basket or otherwise.

The kittens were damn cute and popped their heads out to watch as we walked. Two of them had Harvey's pretty blues and one had my own eye color. The one with my eyes was the eldest and I took to calling him Dee. The second born I called Aquaman and the third was was nicknamed Smash.

My first child should be named Diablo. Too bad Harvey had an issue with that. Too close to a real name or something. I went with Dee instead. Aquaman had an intense fascination with water so the name was logical. Harvey didn't fight me after I explained the name's meaning. And Smash... My poor little Smash. His nose may never grow in straight.

Shuu was hunting today, so Harvey and Winston followed me out. The weather was cooling down a lot and the river was extra full. Darn, no more river sports or farting eels. Good thing the boy band is almost ready for debut.

I was going to have to find other forms of entertainment. The rainy season was close to over according to Harvey. Half of the garden survived and Shuu brought new additions from the wild to add. I could tell all the men were wiped. They had to take care of a lot of shit for me.

The city would fall sometime in the next couple of years, but I have no clue when. We got to get a new place up and running soon. As exciting as following Qingqing through hell sounds, I'd rather run my ass back to Camel Hump Valley. I really want to see mermaids, but shit.

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