109. Team

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1/1 update for October 31,2022.  Happy Halloween everybody.   ^_^

It took three and a half days from the time I felt the bonds stir for Shuu and Rowan to make it back. I was almost tackled by a very fluffy Shuu who I swore was crying a little. I cried too because I obviously needed to participate.

The tackling never actually happened. Not to me anyway. Winston stepped in between us and got bodied by a giant wolf. Or he might have been if he wasn't Winston. Looks like Shuu took more damage. It was kind of funny watching a giant wolf stop dead in its tracks like it hit a fucking wall. I guess Winston was a wall.

Apparently, that was enough to calm Shuu down and make him shift. The hard collision didn't jar his brain matter as much as I thought it would. I was off my feet a second later and felt Shuu's face merging with my neck.

"Missed you too," I said as I ruffled his hair. He trembled and grunted a response. I don't know what language that was, but I don't speak it. I let him stay like that while looking for Rowan. I felt so much better already.

A giant hawk landed soundlessly not ten feet away. How the hell is he so quiet? He's like and owl. Before I could think more about that, he shifted and walked up to me. I definitely checked out that body. Rowan smirked lightly and I figured he knew I was ogling him and his hot ass.

I gave him a second once over and I smiled wider than I was. Yeah he was a fine specimen of creation, but that wasn't it. He had no marks and a fat pouch around his neck.

"Hell yeah!" I cheered. My enthusiastic response earned me a real smile from Rowan. Not gonna lie, think I swooned a little.

Shuu spoke more, but I could not decipher it. "You are going to have to try again Shuu. I don't understand what your saying," I ruffled his hair again.

Once Shuu's hold loosened, I found myself in a dark set of arms. Shuu whimpered, but I didn't feel bad. He was going to get all the cuddles he wants later. I eyed him momentarily to find he still had three stripes. I wasn't disappointed, just surprised. Pretty sure Parker earned his stripes stupidly fast according to what I read and which spoilers I saw... Then again, he was a main male lead and the author liked making things convenient for him.

Yeah, the only thing I care about is that he came home alive and fine. I know he wasn't out there being lazy. Damn, it's good to have the fam back together.

Rowan stole my attention again and I gave him a hug. He seemed much less tense than before. Can I write their trip off as a huge success? "How's it feel to be a big, bad bitch now?" I asked.

Rowan disregarded the use of certain language and responded, "Quite good." I chuckled at his confident response.

The rest of the reunion went great. I was handed back to the needy wolf and was snuggled forcefully. Not that I minded. I had mentally prepared myself for this a long time ago. Shuu promptly passed out while clinging to me. Since I couldn't drag his ass around, Winston had to carry both of us.

I couldn't help it. I laughed my ass off. Winston was princess carrying Shuu who was glomped onto me. How I wish someone had a fucking camera. The opportunity was prime and definitely worth seeing again.

I was able to wake Shuu up enough to use the toilet and eat. That was it. Shuu snoozed and Rowan proudly handed over his pouch.

To be fair, I knew exactly what to expect, but it still shocked me. He felt the need to blow my mind some more with a verbal explanation of benefits. "Four emeralds, Forty-three energy crystals." My jaw hit the ground. No wonder they took so much extra time. They were filling up a piggy bank.

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