99. Man Plans

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1/2 updates for today, October 7, 2022.

 Since Mitchell put all the men on guard, Winston and Rowan never left my side. I get it, but damn. The house building slowed down significantly without Winston involved. Shuu and Alec took over, making me worried. Winston assured me that Shuu was good. Alec though... he's allowed to gather materials at least.

The retrieval of our hard earned goods had to wait. No one was willing to go that far away and I didn't blame them. First the new house is getting built, then we move. Everything else is on the back-burner.

Harvey and the boys took care of the hunting and I was geared up to start bitching. Potentially psychotic scorpion on the loose and my kids are out there? I think the fuck not. Me and Rowan got into an argument. He was trying to convince me that the boys wouldn't be targeted, but I would be.

It didn't make me feel any better and I nearly chewed his ass up. If anything happened to the boys, well, I could check murder off my bucket list and the husbands would have to struggle harder to keep my homicidal ass alive.

My mood only tanked further after that. I won our argument because you never argue with a pregnant lady. Definitely not about her kids. Bastard won't make that mistake again.

The unfortunate compromise used Hiro when Alec and Shuu weren't available. I fought that one tooth and nail too. There was no fucking way I was using him like some tool. If I did, my guilt would make me include him in the family and that's a shitty reason to marry someone. Especially when divorce is impossible. Call me a hopeless romantic, but I want to like my spouses and not in a 'hey bud,' kind of way. So now, I argued twice in one day with Rowan and that made me feel great.

I may have said something stupid about them taking me hunting, but that was well received. At the end of that fun argument, a compromise was worked out. Technically, it wasn't a compromise. I just lost, but was bitter about it.

Hiro did his best to distract me in the meantime and Harvey checked on me frequently. As far as we could figure out, my baby was okay. Miscarriage wasn't something anyone wanted to go through and I couldn't even imagine it.

Five days after the incident, I was sitting here with the most bored and unenthusiastic expression I could make. There was only so many games of Jenga I could play without dying inside and I long passed that threshold.

Since I was pregnant and in danger from everything, I couldn't exercise or explore. I mean, I could push it, but stepping on Rowan's toes right now wasn't a great idea. Plus, I don't want to exercise.

When my great love of Jenga became painfully obvious to Hiro, he changed it up and started singing. Now that's good entertainment. I enjoyed listening for a while, but eventually got bored of that too.

We tried making some lyrics for a song, but ran into a dilemma. The pure foxy boy wanted to keep the lyrics clean and I would make them dirty. It was funny watching Hiro squirm for a while, but I eventually started feeling bad and let him off the hook. He was healing fast, but not that fast and I didn't want to bug him. Broken bones took time, even for beastmen.

It took another week for the house to be finished. I pretty much just stayed in this hut the whole time. We did get some hawk visitors, but Rowan kept them far away. Guess they were seeing how much doom I brought to this community. Apparently, I'm a heartbreaker, not a city breaker. Hmm... Yeah, that sounded lame. I'll have to get more creative in the future.

How'd they find me anyway? You know, I don't care. They definitely have too much time on their hands. I was smart enough to make sure Rowan grilled any city visitors for info. He succeeded. Long story short, the city fell, less than 2000 beasts escaped, and now the ape king is in hot water. Boil bitch.

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