25. Have A Little Fun

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Second update for today, April 20th.

Edited: February 17, 2023.

The two looked shocked that I asked. At first, I thought surprising all these beasts with my amazing skills was fun. Now, it's getting old. Even Harvey, who should've been getting used to me, had his mouth open. I clapped my hands together to snap them out of it.

"Earth to beast boys. Anywhere you two want to go?" If they don't respond soon, I'm going to start feeling awkward.

The two looked at each other like the other had the answer. This isn't jeopardy people. Are we going to stand here forever?

"It's not that hard of a question, guys." Anytime now.

"Sorry, Drew. We weren't expecting you to ask us." Harvey was the first to recover.

"No shit. I could tell. Any ideas, Harvey?" Since Shuu was still broken, it was up to golden boy to save the day.

"I'm happy to go wherever you want to." Ugh. Harvey, that's not how this works.

"Yeah. Wherever you want to go, I want to go." Shuu used 'recover.'

I forgot that I am dealing with a glorified simp and someone real close to his graduation into simp-hood. Am I the only one who is ever going to say their opinions?

"Are you both serious? You can't think of anywhere you want to go?" I was going to drop it after this. I can't see us getting anywhere at this time.

"How about the river?" Harvey was speaking shyly now.

This fucker is only saying that cause he knows that's where I want to go.

"Do you want to go to the river?" Harvey asked as if he didn't know the answer. I ignored him and turned to the wolf.

"Shuu, do you want to go anywhere?" I feel like I'm pulling teeth here.

"Uhh, the river?" Shuu looked extremely nervous and answered with a question.

"Okay." I give up. The difficulty level is way too high. "But you two are both going to swim." Lets all get wet together bitches.

"Okay!" Both said in unison. Guess they don't think that's a punishment. Another thing I need to work on.

We went to the usual spot and it wasn't crowded. In fact, there wasn't anyone close by at all. Shuu went to check the fishing basket and Harvey waited for me to get in. I didn't want to get all of my clothes wet. Wet leather feels sticky and nasty. I took off the halter top and just wore the lizard skin bra.

I shouldn't think about it as a skin since that's fucking gross. Technically, the furs are animal skins too. Eww, okay. I am not doing myself any favors here. I need to think of this differently. The bra is actually cool. When the sun hits it, it shines a mix of green, purple, and blue. Like gasoline on asphalt, minus the brighter colors.

It doesn't match my bottoms at all. Oh well. Forget it. That's not important. I do like it though. I want to ask Shuu to keep his eyes open for another lizard, but... Knowing his fanatical self, he will probably go on crusade and we don't need that right now.

I didn't take things slowly, instead I cannonballed my sizable self in front of Harvey.

Take that bitch. You want to come to the river? The river feels the same. I could've been more mature, but why? I don't want to.

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