69. The Road Is Long

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1/1 update for today, July 1st, 2022.  Winter is almost over for Drew!  Yay.  I was feeling her boredom on a spiritual level and can't relate to having five husbands and three children filling the void.  Drew is pretty lucky isn't she?  Hope you enjoy.

Winter was finally close to over. About damn time. I better have way more shit planned out before the next one. There was something very important to accomplish before it ended.

I dangled the blindfold outside the bedroom door. Winston would definitely get the idea. God it was hard to ask. We still hadn't had sex since the first time and it needed to happen. The lady parts and balls have been thoroughly cultivated in expectation.

Winston was too nice and never asked for it, but I found his claw marks. He even dug out a few trenches for when the snow would melt. I think we have a pond now too. He definitely needs the attention.

Apparently, the children thought I was inviting them to play. There went that slick plan. I summoned up the magic powers and dialed Harvey's number. My skills weren't that great, but I practiced when I wasn't passing time with tic tac toe or sex.

He can't understand what I wanted, but he can tell I want something which is damn cool. We got to practice distance dialing soon. I can even feel Shuu a lot better now and he, me. Winston and Rowan were the weakest links. I'm guessing it has to do with lack of sex. But it could be my brain conveniently coming up with that idea.

There wasn't exactly a lot of other stuff to do in the winter. The milk reserves had dwindled and I feared for the worst. I actually don't care that much. If I get pregnant then oh fucking well. It was going to happen anyway.

Harvey came and got the kids and sexy tiger man finally got the hint. I don't know if I needed the blindfold anymore, but I can take it off if I don't. I caught a flash of sexy hawk man siting in his favorite corner, drawing. I felt bad that I hadn't tapped that beautiful man, but he still seemed gun shy. First Winston. I can figure out bird man later.

Winston let me blindfold him, same as before. Same sexy buffet in front of me, but still hits different somehow. I feel way better now. The nerves are there, but they aren't stopping me. Must be all the practice I had recently. But what does Winston think?

"Hey Winston. You never ask me to mate. Why?" I probably should have checked before I blindfolded him, but this is fine. I think I know the answer, but he doesn't know I know and I don't want to come off as any bitchier than I already do.

Winston didn't move as he thought about that question.

"It should be your choice." And the heart pings.

"It still can be." Nothing wrong with questions my man.

Winston nodded in understanding. That was true, but he didn't...

"I didn't want to trouble you." Yeah, that is very Winston like.

"Even if it's not going to trouble me?" His ears swiveled around. Very cute.

"Do you want me to ask?" Yes.

"I want you to feel comfortable."

"I... I'm happy that you asked me." Oh. He likes it like that? He wants his sexy ass chased? That sounds hot.

"Okay. You are still okay with the blindfold?"

"Yes." Hell yeah.

This man really... He lets me do whatever I want. Maybe one day I can find out what he really wants. Unless, this is really his preference.

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