103. It Shouldn't Be This Hard

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1/1 updates for today, October 16, 2022.

 The next day, Rowan and Shuu prepared for their trip. Rowan was staying out of my way, but Shuu was extra clingy. Emotionally and physically. I used the bright red fan, Alec so kindly made for me, to keep me cool. I did for one quick moment anyway. Shuu took over and wouldn't give it back. I didn't try that hard to take it back. Actually, I didn't try at all.

Even though they had to prepare, there really wasn't that much for them to do. They'd eat a big meal tonight and share a quick breakfast with the rest of us tomorrow. They had spent most of this week looking for trails left behind by dinos. From what I managed to get out of my good boy Shuu, they were old trails. Still, it was something to work with.

Shuu continued to fan me, but I didn't need it so much now that he was no longer snuggled against me. The weather was hardly cool yet, but it wasn't melt-your-balls-off hot anymore. Just regular hot.

The rain hadn't been bad either and I don't know if it was because we were in a different part of the continent or because it's just been one of those crazy years. I guess I could ask the locals. Heck, I bet Winston has gathered that intel already. I should check with him first.

My mind wandered back to dino slaying and I decided to worry. I looked at my sweet puppy man and frowned. I eyed up his three stripes hoping the visual representation of his strength would soothe my stupid heart. It didn't.

"Is it not enough?" Shuu asked wearing his own concerned frown.

It took me a couple of seconds to figure out what he was talking about. He's going to blow me away with that fan if he does more. "No that's fine..." I paused before continuing. "Hey..." Another pause.

"Yes?" Shuu suddenly looked alert and ready to please. He's so good.

"Don't be," I tried to think of a good word to use here. Something logical that would resonate with Shuu. "Reckless please. If it looks bad, at any moment, get the hell out of there?" I said it like a question, but I was actually pleading.

Shuu tried to remain thoughtful. He didn't like that Drew was upset and needed to focus on the reason. His tail swished once as he nodded without thinking. He didn't need to understand exactly why she asked him because he would try to listen regardless. "I will," Shuu responded and felt relieved when Drew looked better. Now he could think about why she had asked him that.

After assuring Drew some more, Shuu felt both sad and happy. Nervous too. He did not want to go. Not at all. He wanted to remain by Drew's side permanently. He did, but knew that wasn't reasonable. He could tell from her outbursts that she hadn't been very happy lately. He knew she didn't like him clinging so much to her, but it was very hard for him not to. Not after what happened.

He withheld a whimper. He could've lost Drew and he wasn't even around to do anything about it. It scared him. Scared him enough to really think about their situation. He couldn't beat the scorpion male even if he fought him to the death. Of course, he would've had he been there, but he hadn't been.

Now he was leaving and wouldn't be able to reach Drew's side again. That thought brought him down. The hand on his hand and the fingers rubbing his ears brought his mood back up. He watched his mate with adoration.

Even if he wanted nothing more than to stay, he needed to get so much stronger than he was now. Five marks may be beyond him for now, but four was attainable. He didn't know exactly how hard he needed to push to reach that level of strength, but he would do it. Even if he had to rush it.

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