100. Breaking In The Bedroom

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For the couple of weeks, the only cool things I got to do, were go to the ocean and go to the ocean. I loved it and it was important, but there are only so many seashells you can collect with your children before you wonder what the hell you were going to do with them all.

I guess the den, mansion, castle, or whatever we end up living in will be decked out in shell art. If they have ink shitting eels in the ocean, we can use the-. ... Squids. Fucking duh. But how do I catch them? They live deep right? Guess I'll be figuring out another source of paint.

I stood in a warm tide pool and watched the boys harass a baby shark and some fish that were stuck. Wait. How the hell do I tell what fish are merfolk babies and which one aren't?

"Hey," I called out to Rowan, "Do you know how to tell merfolk babies from the regular fish?"

He paused and shook his head. "Size gives away the adults." In other words, he can't tell anymore than I can. That's a first. Guess he isn't the sage I was making him out to be. He's still smart so I won't hold it against him.

Dee caught a fish and chomped into it. I turned away as he swallowed. How about I don't think about it? Yes, that's a great strategy.

I decided to casually drop the secret of salt making while hoping for some exaggerated reactions. Both Winston's eyes and Rowan's eye opened wide in shock and I giggled. That's exactly what I wanted. Rowan regained himself quickly, but Winston stood surprised for a moment or two longer.

"It's that simple? And you can do it either way?" Winston questioned in awe. So many beasts would die without salt and yet, it was so simple to procure.

"Yeah," I enjoyed the caught off guard look Winston gave me and answered him. "Boiling is more of a pain. We should let the sun do most of the work."

Winston got started on that immediately. We were going to have to think about removing impurities at some point. What did Qingqing do again? It was something... Something... I'm sure I'll remember eventually. We have time.

I should've been glad I didn't get to see a merman, but I was low-key upset. One day, I will. And since I am not near the tiger village at all, I shouldn't get wrapped up in Qin's stupid drama. That means, any merman I see here is free eye candy and won't mistake me for a certain bitch. Not that he would anyway. Me and Qin are nothing alike.

I collected my new batch of shells and dragged them home with the kids. I kept expecting Mitchell to pop back up as randomly as he did the first time. Whenever I thought that, I felt real smart. He didn't seem suicidal to me. He could drag his daddy with him, but I couldn't see that. Like 'Here's the family that bullied me Dad.'

Pfft. I saw it mentally, but I really don't think that could happen. He didn't seem set on kidnapping me so I don't think I got to worry that much. Just look at my men, they are covering my share of worry and then some.

I buzzed Alec and Shuu's tat. I didn't feel anything negative except anxiety from my wolf man. I could tell he didn't want to be away. I placed my hand on my stomach.

"A girl huh?" I muttered. I tried not to think too hard about it, but I had a lot of time on my hands. Would she be like me? Like a normal female from here? I was only to the point in the story where Qingqing was preggers. She hadn't had her daughter yet. The spoilers I read didn't focus on her kid aside from her fate and some other shit that sounded terrible.

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