4. I Am A Strong Women

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Originally posted: March 23, 2022. Edited: February 17, 2023.

What a plain brown ceiling. Since my ceiling was white with random glow in the dark stars stuck to it, it's safe to say that I am not in my room. Hospital ceilings are bleach white, so where the frick am I?

Did I finally get shipped to the halfway house? Who sent me? Mom believes that therapy can fix everything and Dad could give two shits about my health. Was it the nosy neighbor who gave me brownies? I knew I shouldn't have trusted her. There is no such thing as free brownies.

Looking around was easy enough, but moving was not. Unless this was some kind of new design for special patients, I'm going to say this is not the loony bin. Having a private log cabin is too good to be true. A sketchy neighbor would never fork out that kind of cash.

Shouldn't be human traffickers either. I'm not bound or gagged. No needle marks on the arms, so I haven't been drugged. Probably.

Why is my body so sore? Moving was hard and damn, my back hurt like a bitch. Fricken A. All I smell is ginger and BO. Do I smell that bad? Great.

I'm sweaty, in pain, smell like I haven't bathed in ages, and got to pee. What a wonderful way to start the day. Or is it night? Even twisting my neck felt like work. I stared at the soft orange rays that came through window. Guess I overslept.

"Ugggh." My sore muscles cursed me out as I tried to sit up. I probably shouldn't sit up or do anything. Yeah, I like that idea. It's better to do nothing. Everyone hates overachievers.

"Drew are you okay? Does your back still hurt?"

I froze before whipping my head towards the voice. Tensing my muscles for fight or flight, I realized that I was topless. My bra was barely hanging on, unclipped.

"The hell?" Completely thrown off at my current state, I glared with all the intimidation of a koala bear at the man in the room. The very familiar and attractive man slightly flinched.

Seriously!? Am I still stuck in this fucked up fever dream? Is this some kind of punishment? Can't somebody shake my comatose ass awake or something.? Pull the plug or shock my brain, people.

How am I supposed to react while half-naked in a gorgeous stranger's house? I refuse to shriek like a girl in a horror flick. Even my eardrums can't handle that level of assault. Plus the screamers always die first.

I should answer him before he comes closer right. What the hell do I say? Harvey stared at me with such a concerned looked and I couldn't answer. How do words work again? Come on brain cells, I know there are a few of you left. I am a strong and capable women. I can do this.

Harvey watched with concern and confusion as Drew nodded her head. He knew that Drew could speak and wasn't sure why she wasn't willing now. He couldn't tell if Drew was affirming his first or second question. He didn't want to upset her, but needed to make sure there wasn't an issue with her throat.

"Drew, is there something wrong with your throat?" Harvey was relieved to see her shake her head. "Are you in pain?" Harvey didn't get an immediate response to his question. He was unable to understand why she would hesitate to tell him of her pain. He was a doctor and she was a female. It was his duty to care for her ailments.

"Is your back hurting you?" Again, Harvey received no response. Drew wouldn't meet his eyes and he could only wonder at her actions. What should he do for her?

"Can you get my bag?" Drew asked without looking at Harvey. Harvey hadn't expected Drew to speak after avoiding his questions and hesitated a moment before bringing Drew's unusual bag over to her.


Harvey was surprised yet again. He rarely ever received words of gratitude, especially from a female. He couldn't help but watch as Drew rummaged around in her strange bag and pulled something that made light rattling sounds out. After opening the equally strange container, Drew poured out some of its content and swallowed them.

Harvey was mildly concerned, but was also fascinated. He's never seen anything quite like the oddities Drew had with her even in the City of Beasts. He watched her as she uncapped a uniquely blue contraption before drinking its contents.

Harvey sniffed, but only scented water. Curiosity stirred in him. He had never seen a water skin quite like what Drew had, but held himself back. It wasn't his place to question the female unless it concerned her health. All of her movements showed familiarity and contained no hesitation, so he wasn't very concerned with her actions.

Harvey wanted to ask again. Based on Drew's sluggish movement and slight flinches, it was safe to say that she was still in pain. "Do you want me to treat you with warm root again? I will be treating you everyday until the pain subsides, but can increase the amount of massages if the pain is persistent."

Before Drew could answer his question, someone busted down his door again. "Harvey! My female needs treatment!"

Harvey anxiously assessed Parker and the female he brought in. Seeing the mud on her face, he assumed it was bee stings. "Is it her face? You put mud on the stings?"

"No! Her foot is injured!" answered an anxious Parker.

Drew's existence was temporarily forgotten.

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