94. But The Puppies!

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2/2 updates for September 9th, 2022.  I want to let you all know, that I'm not to a point where I can commit to a regular updating schedule.  At this point, I will post as I go while trying to update roughly once a week.  Know that Drew's story continues regardless of my inconsistent schedule.  :D

A couple more days passed and my impatient ass was considering leaving right now. I was pregnant and didn't want to have to go through shit. Maybe we can skip town now and find time to chill.

As if to ruin my grand plans and feed my low-laying anxiety, I got a visitor. Make that multiple visitors. Brock announced Qingqing's visit and I sighed. Guess labor didn't take enough out of her. Lucky her.

Wait... She'd bring her babies with her right? Cute leopard kittens? I changed my mind. She's welcome.

"Drew," Qingqing said hello like she was happy to see me. It burned a little, not going to lie. I'm happy to see her kittens, not her. I guess that makes me the 'bad friend.'

Before I could start to care about that, something wiggled in the basket she carried. I rapidly approached the target and eyed the mewing blobs. After I said a half-hearted hello to her and Parker that is.

I wasn't going to ask to hold them, but I really wanted to. They were so tiny and cute... I can't wait for my puppies to come. I need to gush over my babies instead of someone else's. At least I feel slightly more connected to Killer and Happy lately. It was a small improvement at least.

We talked about babies and paper. Parker looked proud. When the babies cried, he even went to comfort them. I'll be damned, he actually looks like a man now. Guess we can say goodbye to the immature brat he used to b-!

"They're just hungry again," Parker said indifferently as he set the cub back down.

I changed my mind. I sense no 'Dad' vibes from him. Okay, he still seems to act a little better. He's treating me and my family with more respect than I expected. He has grown after all.

They made the visit short which was perfect. If I can't cuddle the bundles of fur, then I'm just torturing myself. Too bad my big boys are out hunting again. I can't get my fix. I looked at my choices. I had Alec who was reading my textbook upside down or Winston who was napping. The choice was easy, I picked Winston.

He didn't mind me sinking my face into his fur. I didn't even ask now. How our relationship has progressed. It even feels completely normal. The smooth fur brushed against my face as his musky scent hit my nose. There's another thing I got used to without thinking about it, smells.

Winston stirred and chuffed before falling back asleep. He'd been working hard with copper and evacuation plans, on top of his regular kingly duties. I couldn't even bug him for sex since he needed the sleep. Since he likes cuddles, I can at least give him this much. I'm starting to like them myself, assuming the snuggles don't lead to smothering and suffocation.

I almost fell asleep when Brock so dutifully wrecked my plans. "Tiger King. Tiger Queen. The ape king is here requesting an audience.

"Oh, for the love of fucks," I exclaimed in irritation. Why me? Shouldn't he be harassing Qingqing or getting laid by his wifey? He did get that emerald for her so...

I grumbled and got up. I was so not looking forward to this. He won't try to pick a fight right? Three stripes can't save his ass from two four-stripers. Even though one isn't here right now...

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