53. Moming

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1/2 updates for today, May 29th.  I changed the way I wrote this chapter and the next.  I wanted to give more insight into the other characters thoughts.  The style changes, once agin, in chapter 55.  Hopefully it's not too confusing.  Please feel free to let me know what you think.  Thanks for reading!

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of a bug in my ear. Stupid fuck. I halfheartedly smacked at it, but heard it a second later. I cracked an eye open and plotted its brutal death. Shuu snatched it out of the air and crushed it between his thumb and finger.

I was too sleepy and angry to gag, but that was gross. I can totally see the dark guts. He tried to settle back down and I kicked his ass out. Just no. He's got to wash the bug guts off first.

I fell back asleep and slept for most of the day. I got up to feed the kids, but I still think I was half asleep for that. The kids didn't give a shit and took the milk. I'm sure it was after noon by the time I dezombified.

I greeted the fam and headed to my throne. You know what, this isn't cool. Anybody could be watching me take a shit. Suddenly, I felt my crap retreat and knew I fucked myself up. How am I supposed to shit now?

It took too long to finish and I am now convinced. An outhouse is priority. How did Qingqing not do that? I can't imagine her liking this way of living. She's too shy for public shitting with peeping dudes everywhere.

I brought it up to the family and Winston built it that day. I changed my mind. I love overachievers. I have an actual outhouse now. This is good. Very, very good. Shitting in peace is an important part of life. I've taken that for granted.

"Thanks Winston." For once, my difficult ass managed to not fuck up my words and thanked the tiger sincerely. He beamed and Shuu pouted. Oh boy. "Remember Shuu, you made me my amazing throne." Shuu perked right back up and I felt like I was doing something right.

I found a new tree planted next to the house and felt like a dick. Wow, Alec tried to bring me a thoughtful gift and I chewed out his ass because my horny one wanted to get laid. I'm doing great.

Ugh! I gave my cheeks a slap and startled the fuck out of everybody. Funny, I thought this was supposed to be super motivating or some shit, but it just hurts and I feel like a smart hoe instead. I convinced the family that I was still the same chick as usual and tried to think up another apology.

What would Alec want? ... ... Shit. The only thing I can think of is the obvious. I get that we are dating by the standards here and the family is okay with that, but somehow... Ugh. I just need to fuck Winston and follow up with the hawks. I can do this now. I got the experience. I am a certified hoe with the blows. I have no excuses.

The babies interrupted my inspirational thoughts. I decided now was a good time for procrastination and chased them around the yard.

Huff! How the fuck are they still going? I'm done over here and they are ready for the ninth game of tag. They are on their own. Momma is done. Chasing three is hard as hell. They aren't fast yet, but one gains a good start while I catch the other two.

They passed out and I thought about joining them. I washed off and watched Harvey work. I joined him and did easy shit. Grind this, put the ginger together, etc. Stuff that even I couldn't screw up.

I'm totally putting off shit that I shouldn't. Can't believe I had for so long. No I can. I've always procrastinated like this, but geez. It was obvious that Winston won't make the first move. That means I have to. Okay, so now I have to figure out how.

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