24. I'm Not Going To Jail

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Brought to you by another triple update.  1/3 for today, April 20th.

Edited: February 17, 2023.

 The next day Harvey and Shuu dragged my ass out of bed. Apparently, our little fox from yesterday had been waiting since sunrise. Do I have to socialize? I was doing fine with just Harvey and Shuu. No need to overachieve.

"It will be better if you finish this sooner. You can always ask for a favor instead." Harvey is the voice of reason.

"Yeah. I got it." It didn't take us long enough to get there. Maybe Harvey can just talk for me.

The whole family was waiting outside of their house. Actually, the amount of tattoos on the women, who was sitting on a spread of furs, was double the amount of men present. How many men did she have? No, that's not important right now.

The same little girl from before was getting her short hair combed by one of the males present. The males all looked over towards us; no, to me. See, this is why I didn't want to come. I know these guys are sizing me up and I don't like it. Before I could do anything, like turn around, one male acknowledged us.

"Thank you for coming, female. Our family welcomes you." Oh, it's big man hands again.

"It's fine." Does my face scream awkward? I hope so. If they can take a hint and finish this quickly, that would be great.

"Our female would like to speak to you." Man hands gestured towards the women having a picnic. I looked at Harvey and Shuu with what could only be described as a constipated expression. Maybe they can save me.

Harvey tapped me with his tail like it was supposed to be encouraging. Shuu just smiled. Thank, guys. Real helpful. I tried to control my face and turned around. Several of the males expressions turned into frowns. Guess I failed. Fuck it.

"Okay." I tried to sound polite, but think I sounded cold instead. Looks like my social skills haven't risen that much after all.

I walked slowly. I didn't want to freak out the man squad. They looked ready to jump at a moment's notice. The only one that looked comfortable was the male fawning over the girl's hair. I swear I could see little flowers flying around the guy. Was it that nice to brush hair?

I stopped in front of the three, waiting for instructions awkwardly. The female motioned for me to sit, so I did. I waited for the women to speak, and she took her sweet damn time.

"You saved my female cub. I will reward you. You can choose any of my sons as your males. They won't object." Who died and made you queen bitch? The way she spoke was so damn condescending. She barely even looked at me. I could understand if she was an actual queen, but she wasn't.

Hold it in. I can't say anything. I need to behave and stay off the ape king's radar. I need to keep my eye from twitching. Oh shit. I think one brow is raised already.

"It's a shame. Your looks are okay, but your expressions are ugly. Go ahead and choose, then leave."

'Don't even get me started bitch. Before insulting someone else, why don't you pick your tits off the ground first? And my expression is bad? Have you seen your face in the mirror? Careful, you'll turn cross-eyed if you keep looking down your nose like that. It would suit you though.' I wanted to rip her a new one so bad, but I held it in.

I could only chant that she wasn't worth it over and over. I picked myself up without responding and walked away. I didn't get far before I was surrounded by guys. Most of them looked young. These must be her sons.

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