65. Tastes Like Sh*t

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2/2 updates for today, June 22.

"Damn." That isn't fair. How can Rowan already be that good? He's brimming with talent too. Damn world. Couldn't I at least be the best artist here? At least Rowan isn't better than me yet, but I can totally feel it. The student will surpass the teacher in no time. "You sure you've only been drawing for a day?"

"Yes." Rowan smiled to himself. The feeling of accomplishment made his effort worthwhile.

"You're pretty damn good for a beginner." That was putting it mildly.

Rowan preened at the praise. He tried to be subtle, but thought he might be failing. He figured it did not matter so much at the moment.

Shuu got jealous of the hawk and asked to try drawing too. He was... pretty bad. I praised his stick figures anyway. I went with simple stuff and taught him basic shapes. Since the whole family was trying, I got Harvey in on it.

Harvey didn't pick it up as fast as Rowan, but he had talent. The boys insisted on drawing and I cried a small tear. I can tell them 'no' and discourage culture or I can lose many pencils today.

Snap! There went the third pencil and my patience. I wanna be a good and encouraging mom, but they can't control their teeth. It was fucking adorable to watch them try to draw with their mouths, but... We are going to have to come up with something better.

"Okay boys. That's enough. If you want to draw, use your claws in the snow with Alec." Maybe I can harvest eel ink later. I can pick up some sticks that they can dip into it and let them have at it.

I fished out another pencil and heard a crinkle. A 'duh' moment hit me. I forgot to give the hawks their engagement candy. I found one candy, but not another. I decided now was as good a time as any to organize the chaos. I dumped everything out onto the floor. I had million pencils of all sizes and several containers of lead.

I even found my fancier shading pencils and a half-dozen sharpeners. A hundred or so colored pencils, sharpies, and pens rolled everywhere. The kids chased them, caught them, and carried them back to me all proud like.

"Aww. You boys are so good." My adorable babies are so nice to me. They danced around making purry/growly sounds while retrieving all of the escaping stationary.

Oh, I had a container of antacids and allergy meds too. Should have done this earlier. I stacked my textbooks and figured they'd make good fire starter later. I separated one fresh notebook and two partially used composition books. I have one novel that is boring as fuck. Why can't they find a decent book to use for class projects? Oh, well. It's not my problem anymore.

I collected three of my sour candies, a bag of crushed skittles, and one very melted and smushed piece of chocolate. This probably isn't good anymore... I'm going to eat it anyway. I might never get chocolate again. I flashed the chocolate and let the men sniff it. I doubt it would help since their was way too much other crap besides cocoa mixed in, but it's worth a shot.

I ate it while Shuu tried to protest. It tasted like... shit. Why? It should taste way better than this, but all I taste is sugar. Make that corn syrup. Well, that's disappointing. I gave out the two sour candies to the hawk men. Alec ate his right away and swallowed it.

"Alec! You aren't supposed to swallow it." Ugh, I forgot I have to explain these little things. He made a clucking sound and spit it into his hand. "Bro, that's nasty."

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