63. Pinned

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2/2 updates for today, June 19th.  If anyone ever sees errors that are noticeable or detract from the reading experience, please feel free to let me know so I can correct them.  I actively edit anything I've posted.  Thank you and I hope you enjoy.

My stomach did backflips and I cursed at myself for being a dramatic bitch. I get reacting like that to Harvey, but fucking Rowan too? How is my heart going to survive all this? I don't think it will. I might just have to write it off as a loss. I still have the rest of the body.

Harvey brought me some dried stuff to snack on. I looked at him, wondering what he thinks of all this. I honed in on the tattoo and summoned it's magic, but felt no negativity. I nibbled my fruit as Harvey planted a light kiss on my head. Damn him. My heart finally returned to a healthy pulse and now it's hammering again.

"Do you want anything else?" Bigger pants... Or bigger balls. A second heart would be nice as a backup when this one fails. Maybe you? Is that on the table?

"So much." I tried not to look at the other two. "But, I'm good for now." He gave me a look that said 'I don't believe you.' I am feeling needy as hell right now, but I am not asking. I could drag Harvey to the bedroom again. I'm sure he wouldn't protest, but the hawks...

Ugh. Fuck it. It's late afternoon, there's time. Assuming they'd know how to stop. God, that's embarrassing. I dragged my ass to the room and fed the kids early in case. Shuu and Winston were not back yet. Was it a bad time or a good one? I filled the bowl too quickly and the boys ate. Harvey walked in.

"Winston and Shuu just came back." Shit. Mission failure. Shuu ran straight for me and I gave the overgrown wolf some pets. He froze and sniffed me and I pushed his face away. He insisted on checking out my new cape and pouted. What? He doesn't like it? I think it's badass. I wish I had a mirror.

I swallowed any useless worries and went back to the family. Alec rubbed his new gift in Shuu and Winston's faces. Shuu preceded to show off his skirt and the two got heated about who would get more attention. I kicked both outside to take care of the birds, while Winston and I worked on dinner.

I looked up when my chopping buddy stopped handing me the ingredients and found him staring intently at Rowan. Careful Winston, I'll start to feel jealous. Rowan was looking back. Mutual love?

I snickered to myself and their attention turned to me. I casually went back to dinner prep while humming some Michael Jackson. Winston went back to helping at some point. Harvey entertained the kids and I heard some suspicious thumping outside. I chuckled again. Guess Shuu and Alec got physical.

As long as they didn't come back bruised or bleeding, I can deal. I felt eyes on me and wanted to scratch the feeling of being watched off of me. I'm sure it was Rowan, but calling him out was hard. When I was forced to turn around to add some minced garlic to the skillet, I cocked an eyebrow at him.

Rowan felt his lip twitch. He tried not to stare directly, most of the time, as he knew that it made Drew uncomfortable. He was having difficulties since the gift exchange. He was barely containing his emotions. Drew liked his gift and still wore it. She even gave him one in return.

Rowan was touched and wore the robe even though he found it uncomfortable. He wasn't used to wearing so much fur at once. Still, he remembered her appreciating gaze as he tried it on and figured he would get used to it.

Drew went back to cooking and Rowan wondered if he should assist. He had been practicing his cooking with Alec, but neither he nor his brother excelled in that area. He was too ashamed to admit such a failure and secretly trained with Alec to better their ability. Still, he should be able to help with chopping or cutting.

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