110. Elsewhere...

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 1/1 chapter for November 1, 2022.  Figured I'd give a chapter showing what happened to a lot of the other characters.  Hope you enjoy.

When the ape king accused Bai Qingqing of being a calamity bringer, Qingqing could only curse herself for underestimating him. Never would she have expected him to take things that far. She was angry and scared, but Curtis and Parker stood by her and defended her. Muir did too despite only just learning of her true origin.

After the ape king's revelation, things escalated quickly. Soon the area erupted with battle cries from the beasts present. Parker, Curtis, and Muir fought hard to keep her alive. It wasn't easy and she did not make it out unscathed. The scars on her arm were prominent even now.

Qingqing had been trembling with tears when Muir carried her away from the chaos. She was hurting, Muir was hurting, and she didn't have any of her children. Thank god Parker managed to retrieve the leopard cubs later, but her snakelings were lost.

Qingqing wished she wouldn't keep remembering it, but her nightmares would awaken her memories anew. She swore her scar still ached despite being healed. She pulled her clothing tighter around them.

Qingqing glanced at her sleeping mates. Curtis was in hibernation so she had Muir and Parker for company. Curtis had not easily accepted Muir. In fact, she was sure he hadn't really done so. The look in his eyes when he stared at Muir sent shivers down her spine.

But Muir had saved her. Not only that, he had sacrificed so much for her and never blamed her for anything. If only Curtis would understand that no man could threaten his place in her heart. One day, she was sure that he would. She just hoped it would be sooner than later.

Parker rolled over against her, long tongue falling out of his mouth. She giggled causing Muir to stir. She turned away feeling a little awkward. They may have mated, but that didn't mean Qingqing felt entirely comfortable. Not with Curtis being clearly unhappy with this arrangement. Parker was being surprisingly amicable about this situation. For that, she was grateful.

When Muir settled back down, she gave him a side glance. She blushed when their eyes met and she quickly turned away. She hadn't expected him to still be awake. "Can't sleep?" he asked with a small smile.

Qingqing shook her head and placed her finger to her lips. She didn't want to disturb Parker's clearly restful sleep. Muir listened obediently and found her motion cute. Parker started snoring.

Feeling lighter than when she first woke from her nightmare, Qingqing settled back down to sleep again. She was careful to position her growing stomach so she could remain comfortable.

Muir watched with a warm expression until Qingqing's breaths became even. His thoughts returned to when she finally accepted him. It may have took him almost dying (again) to sway her heart enough, but he would gladly put himself in the situation again if it meant earning Qingqing's love.

Parker's beast form let out a loud snore and Muir's eyes narrowed. He hoped the leopard would not disturb Qingqing's sleep. Muir's muscles flexed. He let out a slight amount of beast pressure. Parker came to with a start and glared at Muir who returned it. He mouthed the words, 'too loud,' and motioned towards Qingqing. Parker grumbled quietly and settled back down.

Muir felt satisfied by the result. He was infinitely glad that he earned his fourth stripe. He had thought to do something about Curtis, but he too gained another stripe. His plans had been disrupted, but by the grace of the gods, he was allowed into the family. Sure, Curtis wasn't pleased with this result, but Muir was by Qingqing's side while he was not. Muir intended to take complete advantage of this time to establish himself in Qingqing's heart. The snake would never do something that would make Qingqing hate him.

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