108. About Time

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1/1 update for October 30, 2022.

We were past week seven of no Shuu and Rowan. I Actually accomplished a lot that I could brag about when they return. And they better come back soon. I liked the space I got, but two months is too long. It's getting cold too.

I shook my head and felt the tats again. I'm sure they have to be coming back soon. We got to stock up for winter and I know that Rowan and Shuu both know that. I'm feeling pretty uncomfortable without them around. It's been too damn long.

At least I have a lot of accomplishments to not-so-humbly boast about. Elise and Maribel have been introduced to my fashion and wear underwear most of the time now (better than nothing). They also know some of my slang bank now, curtesy of Elise and her need to be in the know for everything. Pretty sure she is spreading my vocabulary around to the rest of the villagers. She has my approval.

Harvey had an idea for making cotton clothes, but he's still testing it out. Winston made us salt, an oven, a forge, furniture, fencing, a garden, and a well. Damn, he's seriously been on fire. I'm making his ass take a long break when the other two come home. The rest of the men have filled the coop up and added more goats to the pen.

We had now had milk, sugar, and most importantly, toilet paper. Bless you Winston. Harvey has a full wardrobe for me nearly made and ready for winter. I had carved wooden figurines for everybody and gone on several dates.

Teaching the boys, all of them, was also a noteworthy accomplishment. I don't care what anyone says, trying to tame one-year-olds and teach them anything is a task worthy of acknowledgment. Cause damn, they certainly make me work for it some days.

I had also made it past the three month mark of pregnancy without falling apart. Sure, there were a few emotionally... fragile moments, but we all made it out alive. More importantly, morning sickness was not too much of a bitch. My feet had not swollen and I could still move around. Aside from some random cravings, I think I'm doing pretty damn good.

I was able to convince the men to celebrate the snakes birthday, sort of. I think I inflicted the confused status on red boys. They were thrilled to get another fur each, but I think the idea of birthdays eluded them despite several explanations. I could still tell they were grateful. Well, maybe. I think their little eyes twinkled, but reading the body language of snakes is hard as hell. I'm sure they'll get the idea by next year.

Today was another day of waiting, like the last few had been. Hiro and the boys were on a mission to distract me and we were currently making crafts using the thousand plus seashells we've gathered over the weeks. I made everyone shell necklaces using thin-cut leather strips. They couldn't always wear them since shifting would fuck them up, but hey, it was something.

We also made artwork by gluing shells onto thin cut, sheets of wood. The glue being tree sap. It was the closest thing we have and it kind of worked. We made most of it portable. I did not want to leave it behind when we eventually move.

Hiro and I were humming to one of his original songs when I froze. I felt the tats and really focused. Sure enough, there was a change. Small, but it was there. They were on their way back. "Hell yeah," I scrambled up quickly. I grinned at Hiro who was totally confused. "Time to prepare for a party."

I proceeded to explain while investigating the tats. Hmm. I don't think they are all that close. "Maybe... A couple days away?" I corrected. I really wasn't sure. Hell, they could be a week away. The tats didn't exactly give me miles/per hour or a numerical distance.

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