🌺❤️The Ending❤️🌺 (Last)

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A/N : Hey guys, I hope you'll like this last ending chapter. Comment your thoughts and opinions for this chapter below. I feel like I rushed this chapter even though I did not.

Thank you all for reading this fanfic😭 I love you guys so much ❤️


After several days, the Heavenly officials jumbled up the remains of the Heavenly Capital and set up a ward at the summit of Mount Taicang, establishing a temporary upper court. Currently, the heavenly officials were discussing to rebuild the Heavenly Capital.

"Are they all sleeping?" Xie Lian asked, looking at the four sleeping in the crib. "Hm?" Hua Cheng peeked and saw his third son open one eye to look at them then closes as he was caught. Xie Lian chuckled and lightly pinch his cheeks. "Xiayan, sleep now." He said. The baby giggled and grab his finger.

"He's the only one that's doesn't sleep fast." Hua Cheng said. Xie Lian tries to take his finger back but Xiayan didn't let go. "A-Yan, c-can you...let go of my finger?" He asked. His son only giggled and held his finger even more. Hua Cheng chuckled and Xie Lian couldn't help but sigh, he picks up the baby in the crib to his arms.

"You stubborn little one." Hua Cheng lightly pinch his son's nose.

Just then, they heard a knock in the door. Xie Lian head to the door, the moment he opened the door, he saw something white and his vision went white. He heard his son giggled and tugged the object off his face.

"Young Prince Xiayan, no! Don't tug it like that!" Mu Qing exclaimed, horrified. Xie Lian immediately take Rouye off of his son's hands. "Sorry about that Mu Qing." He said. Mu Qing huffed.

Xie Lian gasped when Rouye nuzzles against Xiayan's cheeks. He chuckled in amusement. "Your crafting is still so amazing!" He said. "A compliment like this won't delight me. I'm only doing this once, I'm never doing this again." Mu Qing nagged.

"Hey, Uncle!" Zhui greeted before running. Mu Qing waved back and heard multiple giggles inside. Xie Lian facepalmed causing his friend to snicker. "Guess you're gonna have to deal with them again." He teased. Xie Lian sweated, scratching the back of his neck. "Me and San Lang just recently put them all to sleep...[name] used to be an expert in making them fall asleep before." He said.

Mu Qing smiled. "Do you believe he's gonna come back?" He asked.

Xie Lian looks down at his son in his arms and answered. "[Name] promised he'll come back and Granny Yuko said this happened before." He paused and looks up to the sky.

"He said he won't lie again and he'll come back."


As 5 years has passed, Xie Lian and Hua Cheng always waited in the cottage of the Fujian village near the rice fields. They always bring their children to hang out in there together. Granny Yuko once told them that the cottage isolated near the rice field was the place [name] usually hang out with Zhuixin when he was a baby.  Every day and every month, they always come by to the cottage and waited for Shao [Name] to come to this place when he returns.

-White Haired Fairy-Tian Guan Ci Fu x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now