🌺🍁Chapter 51 : Coughing Blood

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"Wha-... What's with this child?" Feng Xin asked, pointing at Hua Cheng.

Xie Lia laughed, "He's cute, right?" Feng Xin glared at him. You slap a hand to your mouth at Hua Cheng's hilarious expression and Feng Xin doubtfully asked, "...cute? Yeah cute but, why do I think he looks a lot like..."

Xie Lian replied quickly, cutting his words off, "Like my son, right?"

"...? Since when did you have a son?"Feng Xin was shocked.

You were also wearing a shocked face like Feng Xin, then you made a confuse look when Xie Lian smiled at you then winks at you. You realized the other way he meant and hide your left hand behind your back. Xie Lian continued, "I haven't yet. I'm just saying that if I do have a son, he must be just as cute, right?" Hua Cheng held his hand and smiled. "Right."



"Eh? My Lady Lan Chang, don't run away!" You called.

Feng Xin turned around and saw a woman's shadow jump away from Qi Rong's side. Without hesitation, he aimed his arrow and locked on her legs. Unexpectedly, the fetus spirit in Fu Yao's ball of talisman started quivering

Lan Chang turn around and cried, "CUO CUO!"

Feng Xin's arrow change course and shot towards to the fetus spirit. The fetus spirit flip in the air as he lands on the tree and caught the arrow between it's two rows of fang teeth. It into two and spat out the arrowhead to Feng Xin's boots. Without another word, Feng Xin reached for another arrow and locked on the fetus spirit crawling up and down the tree.

"Don't fight him! RUN!!" Jian Lan cried.

Feng Xin locked on, loosing the bowstring and the arrow flew. The leg of the fetus spirit was nailed and it shrieked, unable to crawl. Jian Lan dashed back reaching to pull back the arrow out but when she tried to touch the fletching, she was thrown back. She backed a couple steps but kept going back to pluck it relentlessly.

Feng Xin put away his bow and approached. "Alright, time to go back. Don't add anymore pile to our work...JIAN LAN?!"

Jian Lan shuddered and quickly turned away. Feng Xin pulled her back and asked again, "Jian Lan?"

You looked at the two sensing some trouble "...could it be..."

"What's going on?" Xie Lian asked, puzzled.

"You've got the wrong person." Jian Lan mumbled vaguely.

"What are you talking about?"Feng Xin exclaimed. "How can I mistake you for anyone else? You look very different now, but I would still not..." He paused as words got stuck in his throat.

"...It's you. It really is you! I thought you married and were living well."Feng Xin was astonished. "How...did you...become this way?..."

Jian Lan suddenly turned around and shoved him, cussing. "YOU MOTHERFUCKER! I ALREADY IM NOT THAT HAG!" Feng Xin back a few steps from the, unable to speak and Jian Lan continue pushing him while screaming.

-White Haired Fairy-Tian Guan Ci Fu x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now