🌺🍁Chapter 62 : White No-Face is back!

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Many turns and corners, Hua Cheng left the two general's and whom their voices can no longer be heard from how far they moved deeper in the cavern.

After that, Hua Cheng discovered that Xie Lian was casted a spell on him and healed his back with frostbite from the avalanche earlier. Things had gone smoothly slowly and Xie Lian apologized for Rouye from not letting him go at [name]. Currently you were holding your neck and twisting them slowly.

"[Name] I'm really sorry!" Xie Lian pleaded, looking at you sympathy look. "Gege, are you okay now?" Hua Cheng asked in concern.

"I-Im fine...San Lang, Lian, please you don't have to apologise." You said, raising your hand. Xie Lian sniff and embraced you suddenly. "Ow! I'm fine, Xie Lian!" You said, grimacing at the pain in your neck.

"No! Not until you say you forgive me [name]!" Xie Lian said, embracing you tightly. You groaned and sighed. "Al-Alright! I'll forgive, Lian!" You said, patting his head on your shoulder.

"[Name], I messed up earlier and I'm sorry too." Hua Cheng spoke. You wave a hand. "It's fine, San Lang. Don't worry about it." You said, chuckling. "It's my first, that I have been fallen on the ground with my face first." You snickered. Hua Cheng frowned.

"Gege! I'm really sorry!"

You laughed at him. "Alright, I know you didn't do it purpose."


You turned to the entrance of the cave and saw Feng Xin and Mu Qing, their faces seemed pale. Hua Cheng coldly spoke, "You two useless trash dare seek us out, I think your tired of living!"

"Move your filthy hands off! You ugly toad wants a taste of swan meat? Nevermind you dreaming of it for eight hundred years, even if you hope for another thousands of years. Don't you dare lay a finger on [Name]!" Mu Qing jeered.

You looked at them, puzzled, sensing something is wrong and noticed how Mu Qing mentioned your name. As if, you heard it from someone and brought you a deja vu in your mind. It took a second the moment you realized what was going on.

Dazed from your thoughts filled your mind, you hadn't realized that Hua Cheng sheathed back his saber after slashing Mu Qing and Feng Xin's body in half. A small blood splatter on Hua Cheng's pale cheek and a pool of blood under his boots, it was Mu Qing and Feng Xin's blood. Hua Cheng whispered something to Xie Lian and pull him up. Xie Lian leapt to his feet charged to the pool of blood on the ground.

"[Name]..." Hua Cheng whispered. You and Hua Cheng exchanged look and nodded.

"Monster?" Xie Lian let go of Feng Xin's hand and rose to his feet. "I'm curious, is he more of a monster than you two?" Feng Xin was taken aback. Xie Lian pulled out Fang Xin and pierced him through his heart, nailing him to the ground. Feng Xin was full of disbelief.

"Your Highness...You..." His breathing stopped.

Xie Lian pulled out Fang Xin, shaking it to clean the blood off his sword before retreating to [name]'s side. The tip of his sword is still pointing at the two corpses on the ground. "Since the blood has spilt, there's no more need to keep talking through those skins."

-White Haired Fairy-Tian Guan Ci Fu x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now