🌺🍀 Chapter 26 : Mid-Autumn Festival Banquet and Battling Lanterns (Part 2)

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A/n :  Hello my dear readers! I would like to thank to all those who voted and comment to the latest chapter I updated and I am so happy!🤭 Thank you so much!😄


Xie Lian sat there speechless, and the third round began. This time, the thunder didn't rumble for very long and that wine cup was passed to the young man sitting next to you. The young man didn't seem to be too interested in the game but still drank the wine. He put down the cup and the curtains were raised once more.

Upon the stage, one was a general with a curly hair and looked heroically sprightly, portraying the young heavenly official. The other one had pointy lips, monkey cheeks and a very portrayal of a wretched clown, jumping all over in the stage. The clown performed with vigour and over embellishment, like it was silly.

Xie Lian noticed that the officials in the lower ranks laughed, while the higher ranking officials like [Name] and Shi Qingxuan all frowned wordlessly, thinking it's not amusing. The young man slammed his fist in the table, and seemed ready to throw a fit so You took the chopstick from Xie Lian's grasp and hurled it towards the rope controlling the curtains. The chopsticks brushed by the rope and actually snap it. The curtains dropped noisily and the officials all cried in shocked.

"How can this be?!"

"What's going on!?"

They all looked to [Name], some even rising to their feet. You smiled nonchalantly while fanning yourself. Then the next second, something exploded and it seems the young man had shattered the white jade glass wine cup in his fist. The play had provoked his outrage and threw away all the shards from the jade cup in a fit. He jumped to his feet and leapt onto that pavilion, barging through the curtains. A number of officials rushed to lift the curtains but there was already no one inside.

The crowd was in uproar.

"Oh no! His Highness Qi Ying went down to beat people again!"

Xie Lian hurriedly asked Shi Qingxuan. "Lord Wind Master, what's going on? What's with His Highness Qi Ying going down to beat people up again?"

You snapped your fan shut. "You might not believe it but, Qi Ying frequently beats up his own worshippers." You said.


Then, a lower heavenly official further away speak up in displeasure.

"Lord Quan really is too immature. Everyone was just having fun, doesn't he know how to cooperate a little?"

"Who hasn't been picked on? Did General Pei and Ling Wen Zhen Jun not get laughed at? Besides, it wasn't him who was being made fun of, so why so angry?"

"Yeah, he really thinks too much of himself."

You huffed in anger and fanned yourself before speaking, "Quan Yizhen is still young, but you shouldn't talk to him like that, when you don't know what he's been through. He must have a reason why he's beating up and don't judge him so fast. Put yourself in his shoes, if you were him wouldn't you do the same and beat people up? If you don't know anything, then shut up!" You said, smiling between everywords containing a dark aura.

The entire heavenly officials went silent, both surprised and amused, not even one heavenly officials dared the speak up and retorts.

-White Haired Fairy-Tian Guan Ci Fu x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now