🌺🍁Chapter 71 : Ghost Kings Batteling Against A Heavenly Emperor

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"No way! You're bluffing aren't you?" Mu Qing said.

Mei Nianqing sweatdroped. Xie Lian didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "We're not lying, it's true." You sighed heavily. "This is giving me a headache." You grumbled.

The group climbed ashore and walked a bit before they came to the Palace of Wuyong which it was half buried on the ground. After the group entered, they go straight deep to the underground and the scorching air cooled down. The palace was empty, even though the palace was sealed for a long time, it's still majestic and the building is well-painted. The group ignited a palm torch and separate themselves.

"This is where His Highness grew up." Mei Nianqing said. "This is where his powers are the strongest, so watch yourselves." He warned.

Just then, Xie Lian noticed [Name]'s absence. He spun around and you were gone...AGAIN!

"San Lang! He's gone again!" Xie Lian exclaimed. Hua Cheng alarmed by the situation, he turned his heads scanning the surroundings when he saw a glimpse of [Name]'s robe. "Gege!" He points out. Xie Lian followed the direction and started heading to it.

"Where's Feng Xin? Can you tell me where he is?" You asked the fetus spirit.

The being nuzzles the back of your palm and started taking you where he is. You found the fetus spirit leads you to a very long narrow corridor. You contemplated for a moment, you look back behind and then starts to go through the corridor.

"Cuo-Cuo, wait for me!" You called. The fetus waits for you at the end of the narrow corridor. "Goodness, I really hate narrow spaces." You gasped, breathing air slowly. The fetus spirit spun around, it's as if it sensed danger and shrieked, climbing up to your arms.

"What's..." Before you could finish your sentence, a flying sword lunged to your direction. You swiftly dodged it and then caught the incoming attack with your bare hands. The fetus spirit climb on your shoulder and you begin to grasp both the edge and hilt of the sword then snap it in half.

"It's been too long since anyone's used them and they've gotten lonely." You mumbled.

You noticed the temperature gets hotter then you saw a pitch black underground and saw Feng Xin and Xie Lian. You were surprised when you saw Mu Qing situated in a position hanging on tight to the hilt of his saber. Xie Lian and Feng Xin were  thinking of a plan to help him. Mu Qing held tightly on the hilt of saber with a deadly grip despite the hilt was scorching hot.

You watched the scene folds as Xie Lian saved Mu Qing, however you couldn't continue watching it anymore when things went downhill. You took a step to rush towards them when a hand wrap around your waist, looking over to your shoulder you saw Jun Wu.

Jun Wu had a frown in his face, and his hand clutch tightly on your robe. "[Name]... If I listened to you in the beginning...would you still...love me?" He said with a cracked voice. The word brought an ache to [Name]'s heart.

You look down the ground, reminiscing all the memories you had with the people of Wuyong and Jun Wu. Suddenly, there was a strum of an instrument and a wave of air blasted Jun Wu away from you. Jun Wu quickly disappeared and left the place.

-White Haired Fairy-Tian Guan Ci Fu x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now