🌺🍀Chapter 18 : Bickering and Fangxin!

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In a blink of an eye, Xie Lian was pulled into the darkness beyond the door followed by [Name] when arm snaked around your waist pulled you also. Even if the person behind the darkness hadn't shown himself but with silver butterflies, would it be hard to guess who?

"What impudence to came all the way to the heavenly court!" Mu Qing cried in disbelief.

A voice laughed. "Were all the same! Wasn't the upper court impudent in my territory?"

Feng Xin shouted. "Hua Cheng, the Heavenly Martial Emperor is here in the heaven court! You let them go!" You heard Hua Cheng clicked his tongue beside you. "Then let's see if you have the skill."

As he finishes those words, the giant doors heavily closed loudly. You let Hua Cheng led the both of you to an unknown destination, as the ground beneath your feet was uneven and it wasn't the glorious road of heaven. Hua Cheng must've used the Distance-Shortening Array.

"Your Highness! General! Where are you?!"

You immediately close an eye as Feng Xin's voice roared angrily in the communication array. Xie Lian must've hurt his eardrums from the noise too and many heavenly officials began asking questions in fright.

"What's going on Nan Yang?"

"Did something happened?"

"Bad news! Where's Ling Wen? Report to the emperor! Xie Lian has escaped!" Mu Qing said through the communication array. His voice was laced with worry and anxiety. "What? I'll go to the Palace of Xianle to take a look!" Ling Wen reacted immediately.

Shi Qingxuan entered the community array too. "I just saw a bunch of middle court martial officials guarding the Palace! You can only enter but not leave. How?"


You rubbed your ears for all the roaring shouts from Feng Xin and others. Everyone in the array spoke, they talked loudly each and asking for answers. Ling Wen rushed to check the situation and Mu Qing and Feng Xin were yelling within the communication array. The communication array was a complete mess, chaos, loud and tumultuous to the point Xie Lian and Shao [Name] couldn't even get in a word.

Hua Cheng smirked, chewing some of the nips candy  you gave to him and turn around. Cold digits gently touched your temple and laughed. "Haha! Long time no see! How's everyone doing?"

His casual greeting was not only heard by Xie Lian and Shao [Name] but all the hustling heavenly officials within the communication array and all of them fell into a dead silence.


Hua Cheng continued. "I don't know if you all missed me, but I haven't thought about any of you at all." You snorted. Well, there are some of the heavenly officials thought about him and they even bad mouthed at him.

Then Hua Cheng snickers. "However, I've been fairly free recently. If anyone is feeling bored and wants to tussle with me, they're all welcome to." His intent was more obvious.

-White Haired Fairy-Tian Guan Ci Fu x Male Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن