🌺🍀Chapter 17 : Enraged Nan Yang and Silver Butterflies!

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[Name] rubbed the bridge of his nose as the situation had become truly complicated and difficult to understand. Everyone had their ears attentive, and waiting eagerly how the emperor would sentence Xie Lian.

Before Jun Wu had the chance to pass verdict, Xie Lian spoke up first. "Xianle has a presumptuous request."

"What is it?" Jun Wu responded. "I humbly ask the Lord to remove my godhood and banish me to the mortal realm." Xie Lian simply said. Hearing those words, you and many Official's were astonished and amazed at the same time. Lang Qianqiu on the other hand, objected. "I only want a duel, I don't need you to banish yourself."

"I don't want to fight you." Xie Lian said.

Lang Qianqiu enraged, he shouted. "Why?! It's not like we've fought before. Life or Death, the outcome doesn't matter! Let's put an end to this!"

Xie Lian plainly said. "No reason. Fight me and you'll for sure die."

-------{Time Skipped! I kinda hated this complicated thing between Xianle and Lang Qianqiu. The time skipped is only short so don't fret. Sorry, I just really hate this thing between them. I read about it in the novel and everytime I read it, the relationship is so complicated! I apologise for this matter my dear readers}.--------

Stepping through the front gates, Xie Lian closed the door behind him. You followed Xie Lian from behind and just by the seeing the sight of his bloodied arm during the sentence earlier made you worried for him. After so much excitement he had these past few days, you could tell his heart was tired.

"Lian!" You cried for his name as you caught his unconscious figure before landing on the ground. Immediately, you entered the Xianle palace, carrying him in your arma and gently place him into the bed.

You watched his peaceful face sleeping but a hint of distress and the sockets of his eyes twitching, a sign he's dreaming. Gently, you tap his injured arm and slowly the blood in his white robes were vanishing. You move your hand up to caress his cheeks, his troubled face relaxed slightly leaning from the touch and slowly, his eyes fluttered open.

"[Name]?..." Xie Lian sleepily rubbed his eyes. It seemed he didn't dream anything nice that he actually didn't sleep for long. You made a warm smile and said. "I took you inside after I saw you passed out." Xie Lian muttered a 'thank you' before he notices the blood in his robes were gone and he found something in his robes. He opened his palms and revealed two dice.

Xie Lian sighed. "[Name] I wonder how much is left of San Lang's Paradise Manor. How long it'd take to to pay him back? Maybe for the rest of my life." Then you remembered the incident in the paradise manor. Xie Lian clapped his hands, shaking the dice and rolls it on the ground. "Oh that? Don't worry, San Lang don't care even if the entire manor is burnt down." You explained then picks up the dice on the ground.

Xie Lian couldn't help but laugh and at the same time felt bad about it. He shook his head and suddenly they heard footsteps coming from behind. This set of footsteps however were slightly floaty. Both martial gods turn around and was taken aback.


"Mu Qing?"

Mu Qing raised his brows. "Who do you think? Feng Xin? He probably won't come."

-White Haired Fairy-Tian Guan Ci Fu x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now