🌺🍀Chapter 43 : Mount Tong'lu Reopens!

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"Stop...Stop. You...best after all."

"Oh,"Hua Cheng said obediently and putting the brush away. Xie Lian shook his head. "San Lang, don't... don't tell anyone that I taught you how to write."

[Name] snorted in amusement causing Hua Cheng to pout angrily."Gege, I tried my best!"

"Oh, that's right. Qi Rong doesn't seem to be feeling well lately." Xie Lian said. Hua Cheng picked the brush again. "How is he unwell?"he asked.

Xie Lian turned around. "He said something like he was feeling agitated. But I looked him over and it didn't seem to be caused by that man's body."He said. [Name] suddenly felt goosebumps and chills in his body, then he questioned him. "It can't be because of the weather right? When did this start?"

"It should be just within the past few days,"Xie Lian replied. "Today was especially bad..." His eyes then noticed something outside. "I'll be right back." He said and left the temple.

[Name] was left speechless for a moment then sat up slowly. "I can't believe he left us..."

Before you could finish your sentence,  there was a sound behind him like an object had fallen on the ground. You turned around and saw Hua Cheng dropped the brush, his expression was grim. His other hand covers his right eye.

You instantly dashed forward. "San Lang! Are you okay?" You asked.

The corner of Hua Cheng's mouth twitched, contemplating to say anything but he forced the words back. You were starting to grew worried to him. You noticed the the silver eyes of E'ming eyeball snapped open and started spinning.

You were about to reach Huan Cheng when he growled, "Stay Back!" Hua Cheng gritted out through his teeth. "...[Na-[Name], hurry and get away from me. T-Take...Your Highness with you. I might..."

You cut him off. "But why? San Lang what's wrong? What's happening to you?" You asked, growing concern. Hua Cheng's voice turned gentle. "Y-You can't stay here any longer...you need leave. If you were to stay here..."

Suddenly, a wave after wave of howls and cries from outside the Qiandeng Temple. The ghosts were bawling their eyes out, clutching their heads and wailing in pain, as if their head will split open or in the verge of dying. [Name] was so focused on the sounds and commotion outside, just when you returned to find Hua Cheng, he was nowhere to be seen.

"San Lang?...San Lang! Where are yo----!"

Just as you turned around, you were slammed to the wall and two hands on either side of your face, trapping you against the wall. You looked up meeting Hua Cheng's eyes, his eyes half open with a hazy look and breathing heavily. You held back the blush on your face and looked down the ground, though your ears are already red.

"...[name]-gege..." His voice curled with a sweet and low tone. "Why does he looks like an animal aroused in heat?!" You internally screamed.

Hua Cheng's right hand gently tug your chin upwards to make you look at him. When his hand touched your skin, you noticed his hand is hot and the same goes to his body. He stared at your face for a while and slowly leaned down closer to your face. You could feel his breath against your lips with how close he was to you.

-White Haired Fairy-Tian Guan Ci Fu x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now