Squinting, he places a hand on his forehead like a salute so his eyes wouldn't get distracted by the falling snow so much. Minutes past, he couldn't find a place to stay so he starts to panic a little.

Frostbite or hyperthermia would surely come up to him sooner or later. He at least appreciates that he's slightly used to snow being in Snowchester, but with this much snow, it can cease him eventually.

"This is gonna be fine.." He mutters to himself, aware that the sun is no longer there to lift his spirits much.

Everything is dark, even the lantern he's holding isn't enough to improve his vision at night. He knows too well that this blizzard ain't stopping. Breathing out with a gash of air visible amidst the wind.

He keeps going, hoping to find something. Anything, "Wow..what a valor way to die." He laments, laughing alone.

The cold is getting to him, starting to crawl into him, and soon enough, he's starting to slowing down. Getting colder, eyes blurry and he couldn't breathe well no longer.

Tubbo blinks a few more before he stops, then slowly kneeling down, what is he doing out here? Why is he being stupid about this?

He should have been more prepared, asked for help, but now, now, "UGH WHY CAN'T YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT?!" He shouts at himself, thrashing his head which wouldn't help him with all the cold he's gotten,


He can't last like this, he knows that now. He's too feeble to walk around, the cold has weakened his bones and all he could do was to limp until most of his body parts and inventories are on a pile of snow,


His tears reach his cheeks, slowly solidifying due to the immense cold that would soon envelop him,

"I'm sorry.." He passes out, his heart soon slows down..


































It was unclear, but it sure was something..He felt like he was lifted off by something or someone, and that someone wasn't something warm.

It didn't matter to Tubbo though. For some reason, he finds the feeling familiar.

At least he's less cold, but he still isn't going to survive staying out in the open like this.

There he was moved, carried? Somewhere, where though? Whatever it was, it surely warmed him up a bit.

His body was freezing, frozen, he could barely move any of his limbs, let alone open his eyes to see. Shifting a bit to be a bit more comfortable, he feels the familiar bed sheets, well someone surely tried to make him more at home, this is better than sleeping on cold dirt so he can't complain.

The smell and the faint sight of fire soon reach to his senses, now he feels much much better. He feels like his limbs are slowly coming off from the frost, and him breathing a bit better.

After a while, he manages to open his eyes, and in a blurry vision, he only sees what the fire's light could show, and the rest is darkness.

Something or someone is rummaging his stuff though, floaty and slightly transparent..Wait-

Tubbo tries to get up but only led his body to collapse once more, making a noise.

The entity stops, and looks behind.

Despite having an unclear sight right now, the cut on his chest is evident, those familiar red and green eyes, and his white and black skin,


Author's Note: I actually finished writing 7 more chapters. They're done like weeks ago, but remain unedited. I stopped writing for a moment since it was the last week of school and I had to finish all my work at once. Now that I'm done, I can continue making Chapter 11, as well as finalizing the plot for this story. Do you guys want me to send an edited chapter daily until the remaining 7 chapters are all published, or follow a new schedule which is weekly still? Please tell me by the comments or DM me. You can also send me feedback. It can tell me if you guys are really enjoying the story or not. - Covert.

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя