[Troublemaker 1] Thieving Child

Start from the beginning

"The what?" You stopped the conversation. "When was this?"

"Oh, crap!" Jay jumped to his feet. "We never told you about that! So basically—"

"You five have merely scratched the surface of your potential," Wu interrupted. "There are so many secrets you have yet to uncover. You do not even know the powers your Golden Weapons hold!"

"You wanna talk secret powers?" Cole reached for his scythe and lifted it. He extended his arm and picked up the television's cable with the scythe's end. With a few precise movements, the plug was soon back in the outlet.

The television sparked back to life, and the four ninja immediately went back to gaming.

You got up from your corner and stretched your back as much as you could within the short room. "You guys should really—" Your back popped rather loudly before you relaxed and began rubbing your eyes, "—listen to Father... You have only been in here most of the time." Your body felt very sore. You definitely regret sleeping against the wall, especially with how much you've been overworking yourself, lately. Maybe staying in your room would've been better...

You glanced up at the others. The video game was paused, and the four ninja were staring at you. Wu seemed to be hiding a smile.

You let out an annoyed sigh. "Father can't get your attention, but me stretching does?"

Quick footsteps sounded outside. You glanced at the door curiously.

"You can—"

"Guys!" Nya threw the door open. "Lord Garmadon! He's returned! He's been spotted heading towards Jamanakai Village!"

The four ninja glanced at each other in shock before they all got to their feet. The four tripped over each other and dropped their weapons as they attempted to be the first one out the door.

Nya moved out of the way as the four ninja stumbled out and sprinted towards the monastery's exit. You held your head in your hands in embarrassment.

"(Y/n)," You looked up at Wu. "It would be wise if you tagged along."

"What?" You asked. "They're... going to a village, right?"

"I do not believe they will be fine on their own," Wu stated. "Their skills are severely lacking..."

"...Right," You sighed. As much as you didn't want to go out in public, the four might get themselves hurt without proper training. You held a small, nervous smile as you left the gaming room. You offered Nya a wave as you trailed after the ninja.

You left the monastery and headed down the stairs. The stairs branched off a few steps downwards, and you followed the path that circled close to the mountain. Towards the back of the mountain were four large doors built into the mountain's side. All four were open, and the four ninja were miserably failing to mount their dragons. Cole had fallen off of his dragon, Jay dropped his nunchucks, Zane tripped as he approached his respective dragon, and Kai struggled to reach his dragon's reigns.

You're surprised none of them have fallen off the mountain, at this point.

You hopped up onto Kai's dragon, Flame. You reached for Kai's reigns and held them before Kai.

"(Y/n)?" Kai glanced back at you in surprise. "What are you doing?"

"Going with," You said. "Father said to." You knelt down behind Kai's seat and held on tightly. "You still know how to fly, right?"

Kai let out a short scoff. "As if I'd ever forget this!"

Flame moved towards the open door. He took a running start before he jumped and spread his wings far. Flame rapidly flapped his wings and took off into the air.

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