She hands the sketchbook to Vivi, giving the princess opportunity to interact with Meg while she returns the other book to its previous place. She simply can't chuck it in there, having no heart to mess the neat arrangement.

"Thank you, Vivi-sama." The dark-haired woman thanks the princess. The blue-haired woman smiled widely. "Nami-san, will you also hand me the bottles of red and black ink and the stacks of papers. Those cut in squares and rectangles please." She requests.

"Sure!" The orange-haired woman was more than glad fulfill her requests. This is the first time the kunoichi asked her to do something for her. She's starting to rely on them bit by bit. If it's under her capability, she'll willingly help. Free of charge.

Nami gathers the things and as she was about to hand it to her, but she notices the things she carries. If she hands the things in her hands, her arms would be full and she'll have a hard time climbing up the stairs. "We'll help you carry them out." She offers.

"I..." Megumi was ready to refuse her, but eventually nods. "Thank you." She turns away and made her way up the deck, the two following her.

Nami and Vivi placed the papers and inks at the corner Megumi claimed as her working space- the front deck, near the figurehead. "We'll leave you to do your work." Nami pulls Vivi aside, giving the dark-haired woman space. "Don't hesitate to call us when you need help." Vivi waves before they left.

Megumi nods in gratitude, plopping down the floor. She took deep breaths, closing her eyes; immersing herself in meditation.


In the meeting room, Nami saw the boys in a brawl; Zoro in the bottom of the dogpile.

"HEY!" She yells, raising her fist. The boys stopped immediately. The navigator took that opportunity to hit each of them.

Vivi cringes at the four men writhing on the floor after the orange-haired woman's assault. Their assailant stood before them with her hands on her hips and a Cheshire grin on her lips.

"Boys, I won the bet. Meg talked to me first." Nami tells them, making the boys look up to her.

"Nami-san, Meg never specified who she talked to. I think I was also included." Vivi argues.

"Vivi-chan." The princess flinched at the overly sweet tone the navigator uses. "Megumi requested me to give her sketchbook. So, I think I am the one she was pertaining to that time." Nami insists, unwilling to lose the bet.

"When was it?" They hear Zoro ask. "When did she talk to you?" He questions while pushing himself up to his feet. He rubs his head, where Nami allegedly hit him.

"Just a few minutes ago in our room. Why?"

Zoro grins. "That means you lost." He lifts his chin, proud he won the bet. "She spoke to me first, you see. Before she went to your shared room." He tells her.

"What?!" Nami refuses to believe it. "If there's no witness, it didn't happen."

"Hey, that's unfair!" Zoro quickly disagrees. No one saw their small conversation, so how could he prove he won? He glares at the redhead. She bet that if Meg spoke to him first, his debts would be paid.

"If so, then let's ask Meg herself." He challenges. Everyone was quick to agree.

However, none of them were willing to step forward and converse with the woman. The Uchiha maiden is so immersed in her work and no one dares disturb her. Megumi has moved from her spot, to below the stairs. Her line of focus in mainly on drawing spirals and lines on a piece of paper.

Her posture is elegant despite her sitting on the floor. Her beautiful fingers' hold on the brush, and the movement of her wrist is so graceful; as if she's dancing instead of writing. Her raven hair was swept to the side, black tresses freely cascading down her left shoulder. And from their position, they could see the ever-so-perfect side view of her pretty face.

"Good Lord, she's so beautiful." Nami exclaims in a low voice, the others affirming her words.

'So this is the face of the woman who's rumored to rival the Pirate Empress' beauty.'

This is probably the first time they got a proper look on her face. She was always wearing a blank or serious expression, so they were unable to appreciate her good looks. They knew she was pretty, but it just struck them how she's blessed with beauty.

"A goddess has graced us with her presence." Blood dripped down the blonde cook's nose. With a love-stricken stare, his blue eyes gazes at the kunoichi's serene expression. "This is heaven." He exclaims in pure bliss, hands clasped together as he looks up the sky as if he's offering a prayer.

The others threw him looks of disgust before turning their gaze to the gorgeous Megumi to wash their eyes from the distasteful sight the cook displayed.

But of course, it wouldn't be perfect until their captain ruins it; like how he always manages to do.

"Meg!" He calls, waving his hands frantically. The raven-haired woman didn't respond, causing him to pout.

He missed the kunoichi. She always sneaks him snacks when he's hungry and teaches him stuff that he could barely remember now. He instructed the crew to keep their distance from her, but he badly wants to talk to her now. Hearing she finally talked to the other members, childish as it may sound, he's jealous.

It was Usopp who pulled him back, the sniper telling him to not distract Meg. In annoyance, he pushed him.

"Then you talk to her then." He nonchalantly retorts.

The poor sharpshooter fell forward and tumbled down the stairs. Still, despite the ruckus, it failed to elicit a reaction from Meg. She maintained her focus, making them wonder if she'll remain as such even when a storm passes.

"Luffy, you bastard!" Angry, Usopp chased the rubber captain. Pushing him down the stairs like that, what if he crashed on Meg and destroyed her work?!

The two ran around the ship; Luffy laughing and Usopp spouting curses, yelling for the naughty captain to stop.

Nami chastised the two and warned them to not make a mess, but eventually gave up as she can't be bothered. There's an eye candy right infront of them. She'd exchange scolding those idiots to appreciating a beauty anytime. When she looked back, Zoro already stood close to Meg; the man peering down on what she's currently working on.

The duo's game of tag covers the whole area of the ship, and it didn't take long when they reached Meg's location.

Luffy jumped over the busy woman, Usopp running after him. However, The sharpshooter's clumsiness just has to happen infront of Meg.

He tripped on nothing.

As he fell, he spread his arms and unintentionally knocked on Meg's hand; the force caused her wrist to shake and make a wrong stroke.

"Oi! Usopp!" Zoro turns to catch the male, hoisting him up by the arm. He clicks his tongue, annoyed by the sniper ruined the lady's work.

The swordsman opens his mouth to scold the sniper, but was interrupted by a shout before they were shoved.

"Watch out!"

Zoro was knocked backwards, his grip on Usopp loosened due to the shock. He felt his back make contact with wood and so does his head, an explosion was heard right after, causing his ears to ring.

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