Megumi is the best in the crew, both in terms of combat and intelligence. She's a one woman crew and army. Anything every member could do, she can.

She's too strong and dangerous to be their enemy, but that's not the reason they are unwilling to let her go.

She's just... irreplaceable.

Despite the emo woman not saying much, always quiet and her presence almost nonexistent, she wormed her way in their hearts. She filled a space in their life that will surely remain vacant if she's gone.

Besides, he won't allow her to leave them just like that.

"I would say I'll quit if it would make her stay, but I'm sure you won't be happy hearing that." He raises his head, his chocolate brown eyes meeting Luffy's black orbs.

"Damn right you are!"

Everyone did a double take, staring at the rubberman incredulously, unsure whether their ears tricked them. Did Luffy just curse?!

Zoro sighs. "I'll apologize to her."

"Why are you saying like you're being forced?" Nami raises her fist as she berates him, displeased by his tone. "Be sincere!"

Irked by her, Zoro yells back, "I am!"

"Then apologize to her properly! I will kill you if you don't." She threatens.

A creak caused everyone to turn to the door. Their jaws slacked at the sight of Megumi. None of them expected her presence yet there she stood, clearly fresh from the bath as her hair is still wet and droplets of water slid from the sides of her face and dribbled down her chin. She wore black like always, but the change of style shook the girls.

Megumi wore a dark cargo pants partnered with a turtle neck sleeveless top. The black color emphasized the fairness of her skin and the lack of sleeves showcased the muscles of her arm. She looked... cool.

They would appreciate her beauty more if only they were not here to discuss a personal issue.

"Sit." Megumi orders, raising a hand to stop them when they stood to welcome her.

They sat taking note of the seriousness of her tone.

She's not fine, they all thought. Guilt twinging in their heart, slowly suffocating them.

"I came since one of you is curious." She eyes the still-kneeling Zoro at the side. "Best to say these before I change my mind." She crosses her arms.

They were barely given a chance to prepare themselves when she started revealing her past.

"As you may have known, I came from a noble family. Our clan was well-known across the shinobi nation and we were feared for our abilities. And due to that, we were shunned and casted at the farthest corner of the village due to the officials' fear of what may happen. But in truth, they blamed us for a horrible incident that took the life of many although they have no solid proof.

My father is- was the head of the clan and I am the second-born child."

She scrutinizes their expressions. Although she appears calm, his mind is in chaos. Her instinct repeatedly telling her to stop, but she fought the negative thoughts and pushed on.

"Due to my... gender, my parents refused to allow me to enroll in the academy. My dream of becoming a ninja was not supported by them, saying that I would marry soon enough and eventually quit once I bore a child." She saw them frown, probably unpleased by her parents restricting her choice due to something she has no fault in.

"I fought to enter the academy, only my elder brother, the heir, having my back. After our parents had a long discussion with him, they agreed." She scoffs, her eyes showing pain. "How ironic." She mocks.

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