He Stopped You From Jumping? - Kawata Souya

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You stare the sunset, silently, feeling the breeze tugging your clothes, touching your skin. It's beautiful. If I want to go, I'm glad it's on a pretty day.

"What are you doing?" An aggressive voice asks, and you startle, quickly looking at your side, only to found a boy with blue hair leaning against the railing.


"If you're not careful, you'll fall." He warns, looking up to you. He had to crane his neck back, since you were on top of the bridge's railing. You frown, completely confused.

"W-What- Go away!" You half-shout. Did he not understand what you were about to do?

His face was contorted into one of annoyance, of anger. Why in the world is he so mad?

"If I go, you'll jump."

His words strike you deeply. Because they were true. When he left, when you were alone again, your life would end.

"Why do you care?" You ask coldly. You were not liking this, it wasn't supposed to go like this.

"Because you're human, and you have a whole life ahead of you, and you just want to throw it away." Even though his tone was aggressive, eyes scary, his words were surprisingly gentle.

Even so, you barr you teeth. "You don't know anything about me. You don't know what I've been through."

"That is true." He conceded, still looking up. "I'm sure you have your reasons. But if you do this, you'll never see the blue sky again."

You take a sharp breath. "You'll never see sunsets again. Never smell the flowers, never laugh, never smile. Never jump on poodles, or go to the beach. You won't have more of this experiences." He continues.

"You'll never love."

You curl your fists, his words planting more and more doubts on your already hesitant heart. All he was saying was true - or maybe not, who knew what came after -, and you had thought of it. You always felt sad about that, but the pain... the pain was too much to handle. It was a constant on your life, something you couldn't let go.

"You seem to be carrying a lot by yourself." The blue-haired boy points out, reaching a hand upwards, toward you. Your eyes dart between it, and his eyes. "Let's share."'

"Y-You don't even know me." Your voice was trembling, and you feel your eyes humid. "Why would you do that for a total stranger?"

"Do I need a reason to help anyone?"

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