"I'm going to be sick," Rose muttered, watching the smallest Muggle child, who had begun to spin like a top, sixty feet above the ground, his head flopping limply from side to side. She grabbed onto Fred's shoulder to keep herself standing upright. She glanced at the girls behind her, giving them a fierce look and a nod; silently communicating that it would be alright, they'd get them out of there.

At the same moment, Bill, Charlie, and Percy emerged from the boys' tent, fully dressed, with their sleeves rolled up and their wands up. Arthur looked as if he was about to say something, but Rose beat him to it.

"Are you helping?" She asked, handing the girls their jackets, and slipping her own over her sleeping shirt. "I'll go."

"Rose, no!" Arthur shouted over all the noise, rolling up his own sleeves. "You lot get in the woods and stick together."

"Arthur, I am sorry, but you can't stop me," Rose challenged him, her green eyes glowing with rage as she rolled up her sleeves and pulled out her wand.

"Rose, please don't go," Harry said, pulling her back as she tried to run.

Rose pressed her lips against Harry's head, drawing his face to her level. "I love you, Harry. I swear it'll be OK if you stick with Ron and the twins. GO!"

Before anyone had any time to argue, Rose had sprinted away with Bill, Charlie, and Percy; Arthur tore after them. Ministry wizards were dashing from every direction toward the source of the trouble. The closer Rose ran, the louder the noise.

"Where do you need me?" Rose yelled at Charlie as he pointed his wand at the muggles, trying to get them down.

"Cover me!" Charlie shouted back. Rose understood what he meant, as soon as the death eaters saw what Charlie was doing, they tried to attack. 

"Protego!" Rose yelled, deflecting a black curse someone had thrown at Charlie. She kneeled beside him, casting protection after protection, going on defensive and never on offensive.

A few other wizards begun to do what Charlie was doing form different points, surrounding the death eaters as other ministry officials got into duels. She kept protecting Charlie, but it was evident that she wouldn't last long in defensive, her defensive barrier was tearing down fast, no matter how many more times she repeated the incantation. In mere seconds she would have to go on offensive, but she wasn't sure she was strong enough to duel... or at least duel the way the death eaters were doing.

"Charlie, the walls are going down!" She yelled, muttering the incantation over and over but she felt it weaken.

"Hold it a few more second!" Charlie begged her, whispering different spells under his breath and hoping they would do the trick to bring the muggles down. As soon as Charlie's words rang through her ears, the wall came down.

"Stupefy!" She yelled at the first person who pointed a wand at her; she couldn't see their faces, so when the death eater received the charm straight in the chest, she didn't feel remorse and she crashed into a tree hard enough to break her skull. "Diffindo! Bombardo! Confundo! Expelliarmus!"

Rose heard the ear-piercing cry a death eater yelled out as her cheek was cut clean by Rose's slicing hex. She heard the explosion go off, not killing, but maiming at least three death eaters and she heard a wand fall beside her after she disarmed a masked one.



Rose collapsed to the ground, striking the back of her head and maybe drawing blood. The air left her lungs as she gasped and coughed. As warm liquid saturated her shoulder, she felt a scorching agony in her right arm. Thankfully, Charlie saw it and immediately went on the offensive, disarming the death eater who had assaulted her.

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora