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6 hours later

We pulled up to Chris's house. He said it's not a mansion like yours but I don't need a giant house. I said I like it. We walked inside. Chris said I still can't believe you a wore a bra and thong. I laughed and said I didn't hear a single complaint. Chris pulled me close and said I love it. Do you feel better now that your away from those people? I said much better. I kissed him and said thank you. He said your welcome. You're more then welcome to stay here as long as you need. I got a call from a random number. I answered it.

Me: hello

Katherine: Emily it's Katerina I just stopped by our house and I saw your not there. I'd love to catch up.

Me: what makes you think I want anything to do with you? You didn't tell me you were alive for 600 years!

Katherine: if we can meet up I can explain.

Me: hell no! You were there at one point and had the opportunity to then! Leave me alone!

Hung up
Chris said block her number. I blocked it, sat on the couch and said ugh! I can't believe Stefan, Damon and Elena lied to me. I can't believe she didn't come see me when she knew I was there. Chris sat down beside me and said it's gonna be okay love. I said this really sucks. Because I wanna hate her for it. But she's my sister. What should I do? He said I don't know y'all's relationship was like before this. So I can't tell you what to do. That's a decision you have to make yourself. He held my hand and said I can't imagine what your going through. I climbed on his lap and hugged him. I held his shoulders, leaned my forehead against his and said I love you. He kissed me and laid me down. We made out....

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