She's a monster

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Emily never showed up for the meet and greet. We have to be on stage in an hour. We've been trying to call her. Ryan said she's really pissed. Stefan FaceTimed me.

Me: yeah

Stefan: what the hell did you do to Emily?

Me: nothing besides having Damon turn me

Damon: she just tried to Damon

Me: what?! Is her humanity off?

Stefan: no, she just tried to kill Damon. If Elena didn't walk in she would've killed him. She forgot to mention she used to be another Damon.

Me: what do you mean? Where's Damon?

Stefan: at the house I'm tired of lying to you. Damon doesn't know I'm about to tell you all this. Emily DEFINITELY doesn't.

Me: what do you mean?

Stefan: she used to kill for fun and not care about anything. Even with her humanity on.

Me: seriously?

Stefan: yeah she's not gonna like that I told you this. But she wasn't always the good, sweet, innocent vampire. She used to manipulate and use people then kill them. I actually still have her kill book. It's literally filled cover to cover with names.

Me: how do I know you're not lying?

Stefan held up a book

Stefan: I have it right here. Before Katherine apparently "died" her and Katherine used to be worse then me. But yeah here's her book. There's her signature. Katherine wiped her memory of everything. So that's why she doesn't remember anything about her time with Katherine. But yeah she was a stone cold killer.

He flipped the camera and flipped through the pages.

Stefan: you're sweet little fiancé isn't who she says she is.

Me: how'd you get that?

Stefan: I stole it after she decided to be a good vampire. I figured it might come in handy one day. Fun fact she was actually with me when I was the ripper. Nobody knows that. Not even Damon. After Katherine was taken away and me and Damon split. Me and her spent some time together.

Me: like date

Stefan flipped the camera.

Stefan: yeah we were together for a good 3 years. Like I thought we were gonna get married. I had a ring and everything. I still have it actually.

Me: why didn't either of you mention any of this?

Stefan: she thinks she wiped my memory. She has no idea I remember any of this. She's been around longer then me. So she thought she was able to do that to me.

Me: really?

Stefan: yeah she thinks she wiped my memory of a lot of stuff. But nope I remember every horrible thing she's ever done. You sir were about to marry a actual monster. Once you find out everything you'll never look at her the same way again. Believe me she has no room to call you a liar.

Me: what else has she done?

Stefan: I'd rather tell you everything in person. Because there's a list.

Me: does Damon know any of this?

Stefan: god no, he would've used it against me if he knew. After the tour you need to come here and I'll tell you everything.

Me: it would've been nice to know all of this sooner.

Stefan: sorry I didn't tell you. But I didn't think she was that person anymore and now that she's gonna go on a rampage. I figured I'd tell you just in case she came after y'all.

Me: do you think she will?

Stefan: she shouldn't but I figured you should also know before you decide to marry her

Me: thank you

Stefan: alright I gotta go bye

Hung up
We were in shock. I said what the actual fuck? Ryan said now the million dollar question. I said fuck no! I'm never taking her back after all that! She's been calling me a liar constantly and then she goes and lies about all of that. Not happening. Ryan said ya gotta think about it for a second, that was hundreds of years ago. She's not the same person. I said she just tried to kill Damon. Ryan said I mean, I really don't blame her there. If I was in her position I'd be ready to kill him too. Just wait till she comes back. I said okay....

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