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(I don't know his family's names)

1 week later

I was meeting Chris's family today. We pulled up to his moms house. I said I'm so scared. Chris said there's nothing to be scared of. I said uh there's a lot for me to be scared of. What if they don't like me? What if they know how to sense a vampire? Chris said I promise it's gonna be okay and I'll defend you if anything goes wrong. I said you promise? Chris said I promise. I took a deep breath and got out of the car. We went to the door, Chris opened it, walked in and said come in. I walked in. Chris said we're here! His mom walked through. Chris said Emily this is my mom Angela. She said hi, you're even prettier in person. I said thank you. His dad walked through and and said hi I'm Chris's dad Daniel. He shook my hand, it burned me. I said owe! Daniel said Chris get away from her! She's a vampire. Chris said I know. Angie said you know she's a vampire and you're engaged to her! Chris said yes! I'm in love with her and I don't care. Daniel said you're being compelled. Chris said no I'm not. I can't be compelled I'm a hunter and I've asked her and another vampire to compel me. His mom said you asked to be compelled! Chris said yeah! His dad said how'd you even get in here? Chris said I invited her in. His mom said you let a monster in our home. Chris said she's not a monster! His dad said yes she is! She killed your grandfather. I said hold up, what?! Chris said no she didn't?! His dad said I watched her. I knew I recognized you from somewhere. She killed your grandfather. Chris looked at me and said is that true? I said no! I've never been in this area until we started dating. His dad said he died in mystic falls. It was you and I'll never forget it. Chris looked at me and said Em is that true? I said when did this happen? His dad said a decade ago. I said I haven't drank from an actual human in 600 years. So it couldn't have been me. His dad said I watched you drink his blood and rip my brothers head and then you tried to make me forget it! She's a monster Chris! Get away from her! I screamed IT WASN'T ME! Chris backed up and said what the fuck Emily? Why didn't you tell me? I screamed I DIDN'T KILL HIM! I swear on my entire family's graves. I didn't do it. His dad said you need to leave! Before I kill you! I looked at Chris. Chris said get out. I said Chris. He screamed GET THE FUCK OUT YOU MONSTER! I took off my ring and said fine! If you don't believe me and think I'm a monster you can have this back. I walked out and ran to Chris's house. I got my bag, got on my car and went home....

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