No humanity

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I ran to the first guy I seen. I ran over, grabbed him and drank his blood. I slung him on the ground. It felt good to drink a full body of human blood. I wanted more. I ran away from the arena. I went to a park. I walked around until I seen a girl running with her headphones in. I ran over, grabbed her slung her against the tree, banged her head against in and drank her blood. She screamed. She eventually stopped and fell down the tree. I continued my murder rampage.

Next day

We haven't seen or heard from Emily since last night. We had already made it to the next venue. Ryan said do you think we'll hear from her? I said hopefully. Emily walked in. She had blood on her clothes. I ran over and hugged her. I said I was so worried about you. Emily pushed me off and said why? I can take care of myself. Vinny said is that blood? Emily said no, it's ketchup. Of course it's blood. I said Emily how many people have you killed? Emily said well I haven't drank a full body of blood in a single sitting in 600 years. Don't get why I stopped in the first place? It tastes so good. Ricky said because you don't hurt people. Emily said ugh! That's so boring. Damon walked in and said there she is. Okay em you need to turn your humanity back on. She said no! Damon said do it willingly or I'll beat you till you do it. I said uh, no! You're not beating her. Damon said stay out of this unless you wanna be my dinner. So which one Emily. She grabbed him pinned him up against the door. Damon said is this what you do to Chris? Cause damn it's hot. Emily wrapped her hands around his throat. I grabbed her. She pushed me on the ground and screamed DON'T TOUCH ME! She grabbed me, bent my neck and started drinking my blood. Damon ran over, grabbed her and threw her against the wall. I fell on the couch. Ricky said Chris are you okay? I held my neck and said yeah. Damon stabbed her in the stomach. Emily fell over and held her stomach. I said Emily! He grabbed her by her hair and said turn it back on. She said go to hell. He picked her up by her throat and banged her head on the window. She kicked him in the knee, slammed his face on the bar and ran back out. Damon got up, walked over and you good? I said yeah, she tried to kill me. Damon said she doesn't have any humanity. She'll drink anybodies blood. I said was it necessary to stab her? Damon said very, believe me I would've killed her. I'm not afraid to actually kill her. But I see how much you love her, gross. Ryan said you'd actually kill her. Damon said I won't hesitate to kill someone. It's entertainment for me. Ricky said killing her sister was fun to you. Damon said I cured her from a disease she's had for 600 years. Come on Kat ignored her for 600 years and didn't even talk to her after she gave her the cure. She deserved to die. How'd she even become a vampire again anyways? Vinny said I had a bad feeling so I poured your blood in her drink and she was murdered that night. So yeah now she's a vampire again. I said personally I do agree with Damon on this. Ryan said why? I said he has a point. She didn't talk to her for 600 years and used her just to be cured. Ryan said I dare you to say that to Emily. I said I'm not trying to get killed. But I do agree with Damon on this. I swear to god Damon you better not say I agree with you on this. Damon said don't worry lover boy I won't. I said good, so where do we go from here? Damon said I don't really have anything I can use to get her to cut it back on. I said I have an idea. Damon said hell no, I am not making you a vampire! I said it's the only solution. Give me your blood and "kill me" in front of her. Damon said you realize she just almost killed you, right? What makes you think me turning you would effect her. Ricky said she's been very adamant about her not making him a vampire. So maybe it'll work. Damon said you realize there's a 50/50 chance of this actually working. I said I know. Damon said well let me tell you what to expect to deal with for the rest of eternity if you go through with this.
Every time you smell blood you'll wanna drink it. Emily doesn't do it cause she's old and she has self control. You won't be able to do this forever. Cause people are gonna catch on and start questioning it. You won't be able to ho outside until I get you a ring. You'll have to come off this tour. I said what?! Damon said I'm not letting a new vampire loose with a punch of people around. I can tell you now Emily's not gonna do that either.
You'll have to live off of blood forever. You can't just have a burger and be full. You can eat normal food. But If you go to long without blood you'll kill the first thing you see. Whether it be one of them, a fan or family member. You'll have vampire hunters after you. Which is really fun to deal with. You'll out live and watch everyone you've ever loved die. You can't have kids. Your emotions will be times 10. You'll wanna have sex more. I can assume Emily already told you that? I said yeah, didn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. Damon said take off your ring. I said why? Damon said just take it off. I took it off. He stared at me and said are sure you wanna become a vampire? I said what are you doing? Damon said what the hell? He stared at me and said do you wanna become a vampire? I said yeah? Damon said you can't be compelled, that's really weird. Well put your ring back on. I said what was that? Damon said I just tried to compel you, you'll be able to do that. Ryan said don't even think about it. Damon said do all of you have rings? Ricky said yeah. Damon said he can't compel you if your wearing them. That's why I asked him to take his off. But I still couldn't compel him for some reason. I put my ring back on. Damon said alright you 3 can't be here though. Vinny said why not? Damon said 1. I don't want y'all to see me kill Chris, 2. This might not work and she'll kill you all, 3. We need space for this. I said is it gonna hurt. Damon said I'll make it quick and I'll snap your neck. I said okay. Damon said after y'all play tonight. You 3 stay in the arena while we fix this mess. Ryan said okay. Damon sat on the couch. Ricky said you realize we wouldn't be in this mess if you didn't kill Kat. Damon said oh please I know everything she's done the past 600 years believe me she deserved it. Emily should've gotten the cure, not her. Ryan said how do you know? Damon said I keep tabs on people and she was one of them. I said why didn't you tell Emily about her. Damon said she really didn't need to be around that monster. She's killed countless amounts of kids, she actually killed her own daughter recently. Vinny said yeah. Damon said her daughter refused to help her with something so she just ripped her heart out. She also lied about having her humanity back on. She only had one cure, the one she drank to begin with was fake. She planned that guy to come and "kill" her. She knew Emily would give her the cure. I don't know if Emily told you about their falling out. I said what do you mean? Damon said before Kat was "murdered" she promised Emily she'd make her life miserable forever and having her give her the cure is the best way to do that. Believe me Kat was a monster who deserves what she got and I don't feel bad about it at all. I'd do it again if she wasn't already dead. Ryan said she really did that? Damon said yeah. I said why should we believe you? Damon said what reason do I have to lie to y'all? I don't even know y'all. I only know your names and that she's in love with you but that's the extent. So I don't have a reason to lie to a bunch of people I don't even know. But if you don't wanna believe me go ahead, doesn't hurt my feelings at all. So what do y'all do till you have to get ready? I said lay around and watch TV. Damon said to be rockstars y'all are boring. Ryan said well what do you expect us to do? Damon said I don't know talk to the other bands, party, drink, walk around. Just not lay up in here watching Supernatural or something. Ricky said tour life isn't exactly exciting. Damon said well I'm bored, text me when you're done playing. He walked out....

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