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Next day

Chris was gonna be writing so I went out to look around. I pulled up in his driveway and seen another car in the driveway. I walked inside and seen Gaia and Chris kissing. Chris pushed her off and Emily! I started crying, I ran outside, got in my car and drove. I didn't know where I was going. I called Ricky.

Ricky: yeah

Me: hey do you live in Scranton?

Ricky: yeah with my girlfriend, why?

Me: can I come over

Ricky: yeah are you okay?

Me: no, not really. I caught Chris making out with Gaia.

Ricky: oh shit, yeah definitely come over. I'll send you the address.

Me: thank you

Ricky: you're welcome

Hung up
Ricky texted me his address.

10 minutes later
I pulled up to his house. I knocked on the door. He answered. He said oh my god Emily. Get in here. Jaime walked in and said Emily are you okay? I cried and said no. Ricky said so what happened? I said last night Chris told me he loved me and that he's been in love with me for a long time and then I find him and Gaia making out in his living room. Jaime said oh shit. I said can this week get any worse? Ricky said what's wrong? I said does she know? Ricky said no. I said this will be a great conversation. Ricky said Emily's a vampire. She's nice and doesn't kill people. Jaime said what?! I said I'm not dangerous. I even gave Ricky a protection ring to protect him from death. So I promise I'm not evil. I haven't killed anybody in over 600 years. But that was because I cut my humanity off to deal with my whole family being murder. Well at least I thought everyone was murdered. Ricky said what do you mean? I said my sister, Katerina, is alive. Ricky said that's great. I said it would be if tried to contact me after 600 years. She was even in the town I was in for a while and didn't come visit me and to top it off 3 of my closest friends didn't tell me she was alive. I said this whole thing sucks. Ricky's phone rang. Ricky said it's Chris. I said I'm not here. Jaime said put it on speaker. Ricky answered

Ricky: yeah

Chris: hey is Emily with you

Ricky: no why?

Chris: man I really fucked up. Even though it was all a misunderstanding.

Ricky: what do you mean?

Chris: I was laying on the couch writing a new song. I heard my door open and close. I assumed it was Emily. Cause she was supposed to be back around that time. So I got up to go kiss her and turns out it's Gaia. She's wearing a robe. I'm like why the fuck are you here? Ya know trying to get her to leave. She drops her robe and she's wearing lingerie. I tell her to get out. She grabs me and kisses me. As soon as she did that. Emily walks in and I get why she's upset. I would be heartbroken to. Cause I was shirtless and in my underwear. I literally looked like I'm about to fuck her. Which was not the case at all and I told her I was in love with her last night. Man I really don't wanna lose her. I would literally die for this woman. I'm scared she's either gone home or cut her humanity. Chris started crying. But I'm gonna ride around and try to find her. If I don't find her within an hour I'm going to mystic falls and I'll send you my location.

Ricky: okay be safe

Chris: I will

Hung up
Jaime said what are you gonna do? I said I'm gonna go back to his house. Ricky said he really does love you. Before you joined the band he used to
literally cyber stalk you and say he's gonna marry you one day. Don't leave him because of a big misunderstanding. The amount of times I've walked in on Chris in his underwear at his house is insane. So please don't leave him over this. I said I'm not. Thank you for letting me come over. Ricky said anytime. I said alright I'll see you later. Ricky said bye. I went back to Chris's....

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