What happened

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I said alright someone's got to explain what just happened to me? Ricky said do you love Chris? I said as a friend yeah. Ryan said oh my god. I said what? Ricky said you were in love with Chris for the past 2 months. I said what? Ryan said yeah. Vinny said yeah you were talking about marrying him and turning him into a vampire to be with him forever. I said I swear I don't remember any of this. Ricky said he's really heartbroken right now. I said I have to go talk to him. Ricky said are you sure about that? I said yeah, I'll be back. I walked in the building and said Chris! Chris! Chris! I heard crying. I seen him sitting behind a crate. I walked over crouched down and said hey can we talk. He looked at me and said I loved you. I sat down beside him and said I know. He said god seeing you everyday knowing you're not in love with me is going to kill me. I said maybe something will happen and I'll actually remember. Chris said it hurts so bad knowing that everything was fake. Everything you said was fake and everything I said was real. I kissed him. He held my face, leaned his forehead against mine. He said please tell me you felt something. I said I'm sorry. He said I need a minute. He got up and walked away. I got up and went to the bus. Ricky said so how'd it go? I said I kissed him and nothing happened. I want to remember everything that happened. But I can't. Ricky said unlock your phone. I said why? Ricky said I'm gonna make phone call. I turned on my phone and seen a picture of me and Chris kissing. I unlocked my phone and gave it to Ricky. (Speaker)

Damon: is she okay?

Ricky: Emily's fine she's just really confused. Can I talk to Bonnie?

Bonnie: yeah

Ricky: is there a spell you can cast to make Emily remember everything that happened between her and Chris

Bonnie: Od have to put her back under that spell.

Damon: ugh! I know what could fix her but it's gonna be impossible

Me: what?

Damon: if she takes the cure, her memories should come back. That's what happened with Elena when she took the cure.

Ryan: I didn't think there was anymore of the cure

Damon: there is I just have to take a trip

Bonnie: you're better off trying to make her remember. Show her memories or something.

Damon: I'm gonna fix this

Ryan: what's in it for you?

Damon: not having a raging murderous Emily killing everyone in her path. I'm gonna figure it out. Give me some time though.

Ricky: okay

Damon: gotta go bye

Hung up
Ryan said go through your camera roll and text messages. I sat on the couch and started going through my pictures. There were a lot of pictures of us. But I still don't remember anything. I continued going through everything....

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