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1 week later

I met up with David 30 minutes away from the venue. I got in his car. I said where's the blood? He reached in his backseat and said here. I gave him the money and said the rings? He reached in his pocket and said here. You must really trust these guys if you're giving them a protection ring. I said yeah. David said alright get outta here. I smiled and said see you later. I vampire ran back to the bus. The guys were sitting on the couch. Ryan said is that the blood? I said yeah and I'm sticking it in the freezer for now. After the show tonight I'll go get a mini fridge to keep in the back. So y'all don't have to look at blood. Ricky said you're really considerate. I said I told you I'm not evil. I started putting the blood in the freezer. Vinny walked over and held one. He said eww it's warm. I laughed and said well David's car isn't a freezer. Ricky said let me feel it. Ricky held it and said cool. Vinny said am I the only mentally stable person here. Ryan said pretty much. Vinny said y'all are fucking weird. Ricky gave me the bag of blood. I finished putting the blood in the freezer. I left one pack out, I faced the other direction and poured it in my black cup. I threw the bag in the trash can and sat on the couch. I started drinking the blood. Chris said at least you're not drinking from the bag. I said yeah I don't advise touching this cup. This is my blood cup and I don't think you wanna drink human blood. Ryan said yeah I'm good on that. Vinny said no more drinking from you lover boy. I said if he wants me to I don't mind. Chris laughed. Vinny said again I'm the only mentally stable one here. Ryan said alright I'm gonna go harass Bryce. Either of y'all wanna join me. Vinny said sure. Ricky said I'm gonna go check out the venue. We'll be back in a little bit, no sex. I said yes sir. They left. Chris said come here. I said demanding I like it. I walked over and sat on his lap. He rubbed my back and said god your gorgeous. I said thank you. I took off his shirt and stared at his chest. I kissed it. I looked up, held his face and kissed him. He moved my hair behind my hair. I smiled and said I know I said I wanted to take it slow. But will you go out with me? Chris said I'd love to. I kissed him and smiled. He said well dead as fuck is officially a song that describes my life. I laughed and said I love that. I ran my hands across his chest and said damn your hot. He said thank you. I said so I do have a question to ask you. He said yeah. I said are you actually controlling? Chris said I'm trying to fix that. I'm not as bad as I used to be. I'm still working on it as you can by me demanding you to come over here. I held his face and said I'm glad you're working on it. But I can be just as controlling. I grabbed his neck and slammed him on the couch. He said now this I don't mind. I laughed. He said bite me. I said is that an order or a request. Chris said a request. I bit his neck and drank his blood. He moaned and said that's so hot. I wiped my mouth and kissed him. We made out. I kissed his chest and moved down to his shorts. I played with the band. I rubbed the crotch part of his shorts and licked it. He said you know I want to. I said I can tell. I continued rubbing his short. I kissed his stomach. I reached my hand in the hole in his shorts. I licked that part of his underwear. He said oh my god. I kissed it and gave him a hand job over his underwear. He was hard. I said are you sure you don't wanna do it? He said listen for the guys. I pulled down his shorts and underwear. His dick was big. I smiled and sucked the head. I licked it 3 times and then I deep throated him. He moaned. I spit on it and rubbed it. He came and I licked it off his dick. I started sucking the head again. He came again. I swallowed it and licked the shaft again. I licked the head and deep throated him again. He moaned. I kissed his lower stomach and gave him a hand job. I sucked the head and said I hear them. I got up. Chris pulled his pants up and I laid across his lap to cover his boner. I said your dick is still hard. Chris said sorry.
I said I don't mind. He leaned down and kissed me. I grabbed my phone and went to TikTok. They walked in. Ricky said damn y'all are fully clothed. I said yeah. Ryan said I was expecting to come back to y'all having sex. Chris said unfortunately no, but we are dating now. Vinny said are y'all gonna go public or keep it private? I said I'd like to keep it private for a while. Given the whole Gaia backlash thing that happened. Chris said yeah let's keep this between us. Ricky said got it. Vinny said well I'm glad y'all finally got together. I said same....

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