She'll kill him

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We walked in the house. Elena said did you kill him? I said no! Caroline said why?! I said she stabbed me with a drumstick and threatened to kill Jeremy. Jeremy said Emily wouldn't kill me. She's known me my whole life. Stefan said I don't know about that anymore. The look in her eye when she threatened Damon was very chilling and scary. I've never seen that look before. I said same. She's in love with Chris. I said Bonnie isn't there some spell you can do to make her hate him? Bonnie said unfortunately no. Elena said did you explain the dangers to her? I said yeah. Stefan said and I don't think he'd actually kill her. He risked his life earlier to become a vampire and save her. He's had multiple attempts to kill her. He could've let her kill herself. Elena said when'd she try to do that? I said a few weeks ago. Elena said and you didn't tell me! I said nope. Stefan said she threw up the fact that Jeremy's a hunter and we didn't kill him. Elena said yeah cause that's different. Jeremy wouldn't kill us. Stefan said and Chris wouldn't kill her either. Caroline said are you actually siding with her? Stefan said yes, Chris genuinely loves her. He showed me an engagement ring he got for her. Plus I've known Emily a long time and it wouldn't be right to take the one thing that makes her truly happy away. Plus I have no doubt in my mind that she wouldn't hesitate to kill Jeremy or any of you. She has years on all of us. If she can nearly kill Damon she can kill us all. So let's just leave her alone and let her be happy. Bonnie said wow, Damon met his match. I rolled my eyes and said she has almost 500 years of experience on me. Stefan said She's killed vampires before. I said what? Stefan said yeah I've seen her do it and she's not gentle. She's almost killed Katherine for Christ sake. Elena said what happened there? Stefan said I stopped her. I said well why'd you do that? Stefan said I was in love with her at that time. But she makes Klaus look gentle. So let's just leave her alone or all hell will break loose. Elena said okay. I poured a glass of bourbon and said I'm going to bed. I went to my bedroom....

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