The fight

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We walked in the hotel room. I picked Emily up and laid her on the bed. I kissed her neck and down her chest. I kissed her lips and I wanted to choke her. Like strangle her and kill her choke her. I went to grab her neck, I rolled off of her and stood up. She said what's wrong? I said I don't know. She got off the bed and kissed me. I said Em somethings wrong with me. Emily said what do you mean? I backed up and said I wanna wrap my hands around your neck and strangle you. Emily got up, grabbed my hand, put it around her neck and said do it, it's so hot. I moved my hand and backed up. I said not like that, like I want to kill you. Emily said oh, well don't do that. I said I don't want to, but somethings telling me to. Emily sat down and said oh no. I said I'm not gonna kill you Emily. Emily said you don't know that. What if you can't stop yourself next time? I sat beside her, held her hand and said what are we gonna do? Because I don't wanna kill you but I also don't wanna live without you. Emily said I don't know. I said ask Stefan or Damon? Emily said are you crazy? They'll kill you. I said I don't think Stefan will. Emily said he will, they're not an option. I said would turning me fix this? Emily said there's gotta be something else. I said why are you so against turning me? Do you not wanna be with me forever. Emily laid me down, pinned my wrist above my head and said I want to be with you forever. I've never loved another man as much as I love you. I just don't want you to go through actual hell. I sat up, held her face and said I don't care, if it means I don't have the urge to kill you anymore I'll do it. I've been wanting to do it since the beginning. Em please I don't like feeling like I wanna kill you. Emily said see if you can ignore it for the night. I said okay. I grabbed her and kissed her. We made out. I pinned her wrists to the bed and kissed her neck. I stood up and took off my shirt. She sat up and undid my pants. She pulled them down and kissed my lower stomach. I pulled her up and took off her dress. I pushed her on the bed and kissed her. Her phone rang. She ignored it and I continued kissing her. I kissed down her body. Her phone kept ringing. She said I swear to god I'm gonna kill whoever's calling me. She grabbed her phone and sat on the bed. I continued kissing her neck.

Emily: kinda busy right now

I laid her down and kissed down her body.

Hung up
She threw her phone across the room. I kissed her inner thighs. She pulled my hair. Her phone started ringing again. I put her legs over my shoulders and ate her. I bit her. She said owe! I said sorry. Her phone wouldn't stop ringing. I said ignore it. They kept calling. I said for the love of god. Emily said I know. She got up.

Emily: listen Damon! I just got engaged and I'm trying to have sex so stop calling me!

Hung up
She cut her phone off. She climbed on top of me. I laughed and said you told him your trying to have sex. She said well he won't leave me alone. She ran her hands through my hair and said I love you. I said I love you too. I sat up and kissed her. My phone started ring. I said oh my fucking god! Emily laughed. I answered. It was Ricky.

Me: I swear to god you better be dying

Ricky: I'm literally next door, keep it down. I'm not trying to listen to you and Emily have sex all night.

Me: okay buzz kill

Hung up
Emily said what'd Ricky want? I said well have to continue this when we get home tomorrow. Emily said why? I said because Ricky's a buzz kill and doesn't wanna hear us. Ricky hit the wall and said I heard that! We laughed. We laid down. Emily laid on top of me and said okay. I said so have you given it any thought about moving in with me? Emily said yeah and I don't know. Would you consider moving to Mystic Falls? I said I thought you didn't like it there. Emily said I do, I just have a love hate relationship with the people at the moment. I've been there for 624 years and it's gonna feel so weird moving away. I said like I said if you wanna move in with me and go back and forth you can. But I can't really move away from my mom and family. Oh shit. Emily said what? I said how do I explain this to them? Emily said don't say anything, you come from a hunter bloodline and you never know if they've kept it a secret. I know you don't like lying to your family. But telling your parents you're marrying a vampire is the worst thing you could ever talk about. I told my family, we fought, my dad literally tried to kill me, I ran away and that was the last conversation I had with them. I said really? Emily said yeah and I regret it everyday. Please don't tell them. You're putting your relationship and OUR safety at stake. Chris said They're eventually gonna find out. Emily got up and said I'm telling you this is a bad idea. I said they're my family Emily. I have to tell them. Emily said why so they can kill me? I said just cause your family hated you doesn't mean mine will. Emily started getting dressed. I said I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it like that. Emily screamed THEN WHAT DID YOU MEAN?! MY FAMILY HATED ME AND TRIED TO KILL ME! THANKS AS IF I HAVEN'T FELT LIKE SHIT ABOUT THE SITUATION FOR THE PAST 600 FUCKING YEARS AND TRIED TO KILL MYSELF OVER IT MULTIPLE! THAT FEELS REAL FUCKING GOOD COMING FROM MY FUTURE HUSBAND! FUCK YOU! She walked out and slammed the door. I took a deep breath, got dressed and said Jesus Christ. Ricky called me.

Me: what?!

Ricky: what the hell was that about?

Me: I realized I'm gonna have to tell my family about me marrying a vampire.

Hung up
There was a knock on my door. I went to the door and opened it. Ricky walked in and said now what's going on. I said she doesn't think it's a good idea for me to tell my family about me marrying a vampire. Ricky said well no shit, they could try to kill her. I said I get that, but I fucked up. She told me when she told her family her dad tried to kill her and I said just cause your family hated you doesn't mean mine will. Ricky said oh shit! I said yeah, so I'm fucked. Ricky said how are you gonna get outta this one? I said I have no idea. I laid down and said ugh! Ricky said you better fix this. I said I know. God I wish I didn't say that. Ricky said I bet. I said can I be alone so I can think about how I'm gonna fix this? Ricky said of course. Ricky walked out. I laid there and thought about what I'm gonna do....

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