I can't wait

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I was texting Chris

Me: are you awake?

Chris: yeah I can't sleep

Me: me either

Chris: I loved what you did earlier

Me: expect more of that when tour ends. Do you wanna come to my house or me come to yours. We'd have more privacy at my house.

Chris: we can go to yours

Me: heads up I have a super high sex drive being a vampire and all. So if I just start blowing you or something when we get to the house don't be surprised.😉

Chris: sounds like fun to me😂

Me: if you think earlier was good. Wait till I get ahold of your whole body.

Chris: What are you gonna do

Me: I'm into BDSM so there's a lot

Chris: fuck yeah finally a girl whose into that

Me: none of your previous girlfriends were

Chris: hell no

Me: well they're boring

Chris: I can't wait till tour ends. Just 2 more weeks.

Me: I know right

I went to my camera roll and sent him a picture of me in my thong and bra.

Chris: hot damn, this is gonna be the longest 2 weeks of my life.

Me: I bet😂

Chris: well I'm gonna go to sleep

Me: okay goodnight

Chris: goodnight

I laid there and played on my phone....

Eternally YoursTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang