I quit

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Later that day

I was hanging out with the guys. Vinny said where's Emily? I said we broke up. They were shocked. Ryan said what?! I said she killed my grandfather and tried to lie about it. Vinny said how'd this come about? I said my dad figured out she was a vampire and told me everything. I pulled the ring out of my pocket and laid it on the table. I said she said since I didn't believe her I could have this back. Ricky said I'm sorry but I'm about to make you feel like an asshole. Vinny said well that's a way to insult someone. I said go for it. Ricky said did you forget that she had a sister? Her and Kat are almost identical, Kat didn't have any humanity and she's been alive this whole time and was in and out of mystic falls? I said fuck! I forgot about her! I called her a monster. Vinny said oh shit! Our phones went off.

Emily: hey I don't know if Chris told y'all yet but we broke up and I don't really wanna get into why. But I've decided I'm done touring with y'all. I don't want Chris to miserable. So I don't know if Justin's ready to come back or not. I'm sorry, it was fun working with y'all and even though me and Chris aren't on good terms at the moment. I hope y'all don't think I'm a total monster when he tells y'all why we broke up and I hope we can still be friends in the future.

I said I'm literally gonna kill myself. Ryan said I'm gonna call her. Y'all be quiet. Ryan called her. (Speaker)

Emily: hey

Ryan: hey are you okay? I just read the text.

Emily: yeah, I'm about to get drunk.

Ryan: same though, Chris told us why y'all broke up.

Emily: I swear on everything Ryan I'm not a monster. (Crying) I didn't kill his grandfather. I haven't killed anybody and 600 years.

Something broke and Emily screamed.

Ryan: Emily what was that?

Emily: I threw Damon's bourbon bottle he left. God Ryan this fucking sucks. I'm being blamed for something Kat did. He called me a monster for something Kat did.

Ryan: you think Kat did it

Emily: yeah

She screamed and something else broke.

Ryan: don't destroy your house

Emily: (crying) I wanna cut off my humanity again.

Ryan: hell no!

Emily: I want to so bad, I'm literally in physical pain. Like my heart feels like it's being ripped out.

There was a knock on the door.

Emily: hang on

Emily said what do you want? Damon said I heard about the break up. Emily said okay just walk right in. Who the hell told you? I haven't told anybody and Chris sure as hell didn't tell you. Damon said I have my ways. Are you okay? Emily said I'll get over it, it's gonna take a while and suck. But I got over my family so I can get over a man. Damon said you realize it's not that easy. It's 10x worse since you're a vampire and your emotions are heightened. Emily said I've been doing this for 600 years. I know how it works. Damon said Well I got some news for you. It wasn't you. Emily said no shit Sherlock! Damon said I seen Kat do it, we were having a fun night out. Emily said killing innocent peoples fun for you? Damon said it's my favorite way to pass time. Anyways Chris is an ignorant dick. If you want me to kill him I'll gladly do it. Emily said my statement still stands if you go near him I'll kill Jeremy right in front of Elena. Damon said okay fine I won't hurt him. Emily said is that all? Damon said no, look I'm drunk and you're depressed. We both need to forget about drama right now. Emily said don't fucking touch me! Damon said awe come on you're single and I'm hot. Emily said we just broke up today. I wanna get drunk not fuck you! Now get out of my house! Damon said you have my number if you change your mind. Emily said I'm not gonna change it.

Emily: Ryan you still there

Ryan: yeah, so Damon just confirmed that it was Kat

Emily: yep, so I'm taking the blame for something she did. Even from beyond the grave she's making me fucking miserable.

Ryan: I'm sorry Emily, do you want me to talk to Chris about it

Emily: there's no point, I'm just gonna have to get over this. Plus I'm putting him in harms way by being around him. So just let him think I'm a monster. Cause I actually am and he deserves better and for his own safety.

Ryan: Emily please don't think you're a monster

Emily: I have to go clean up this glass. I'm sorry

Hung up
I said what the fuck did I do? I even knew she had a sister. God I'm a dumbass. Vinny said yep. Ricky said so how do you plan on fixing this? I said I genuinely don't know what I'm gonna do. I just accused her of killing my grandfather. When I knew she had a sister. I promised her I'd defend her if my family said anything and I just kicked her out. I stared at the ring and cried. Ricky hugged me. I said I have to go and fix this. I got up and left....

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