I love you

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Emily was in the shower. I texted the group.

Me: I need help!!!!!

Ricky: what happened

Me: Emily told me she loved me

Ryan: what?

Ricky: are you serious?

Vinny: what'd you say

Me: I kissed her


Me: I froze

Ryan: you done fucked up

Me: I'm aware, we're at my house so if she leaves I don't know where she's gonna go

Vinny: I thought you were going to hers

Me: shit hit the fan when we got there.

Emily walked in

Me: I'll explain later

I put my phone down. She laid down beside me and said I'm sorry about earlier. I said why? She said I shouldn't have said that. I said do you mean it? She said I do, but it was way to soon for me to say that and judging by your reaction you didn't seem like it. I said I froze, I haven't told a girl I loved her in 2 years. It caught me off guard. Because I wasn't expecting you to say it first. I've always been the first to say it. I held her face and said I do love you Emily. I was just shocked you said it first. Emily said you don't have to say just because I said it. I get if you don't love me. We haven't been together that long. I said this is gonna sound really creepy. But I fell in love with you before you even joined the band. Emily said huh? I said I used to binge watch your interviews and scroll through your socials to learn more about you. I know that sounds creepy. But I have loved you for a long time. Just by watching interviews and seeing the stuff you post. I fell in love with your personality a long time ago. That's why the guys made jokes about me being in love with you. Because I used to talk about you all the time and how if I ever had the chance to be with you I would. I was so happy when I found out you were joining our band. Because I knew I finally might have a chance with you. When Vinny told me you don't date. I was like well shit this sucks. I'll have to love her from a distance. But I really do love you Emily. I wanted to tell you it sooner but like you said we haven't known each other that long and I didn't wanna come off as creepy. I thought I'd wait 3 months into dating to date you so it didn't come off as creepy. You'd be like how the fuck does this man love me already. I'm sorry if I hurt you earlier by not saying it back. That wasn't my intention to hurt you. She kissed me and said if I didn't love you I'd report you for stalking. I laughed and pulled her on top of me. I said that's understandable, I love you Emily. She said I love you too. She kissed me. I wrapped my arms around her and we made out for a while....

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