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2 weeks later

We're going back on tour. Chris hasn't brought up me turning him in the past 2 weeks. I walked in the bus. I said hi. Chris said there she is. He hugged me. Vinny said I'm glad you decided to rejoin. I said I couldn't leave y'all. I sat on the couch. Chris pulled me on his lap. I said have you been working out? Chris said yeah, why? I said you moved me like I was a feather. Chris said well I've been going to the gym everyday for the past 2 weeks. I held his hand. Ryan said I'm glad y'all are back together. Chris said same. I don't know what I'd do without you. I said I love you. Chris said I love you more. I kissed him. Ricky said have y'all decided on a wedding date yet? I said no. Chris said I think a Halloween wedding would be cool. I said I love that. Chris said now all we have to do is start planning. He kissed my cheek. Ryan said y'all are literally made for each other. I said I know. Chris rested his head on my shoulder. I said you're so cute. He kissed my neck. Ryan said wait till we leave to do that. Chris laughed and said okay. Vinny said so whose moving in with who after y'all get married. I said I'm definitely keeping my house. Since it's all I have left of my family. But I'll move in with Chris. Chris said really? I said yeah, as long as I can go to mystic falls every now and then. Chris said of course. I said I'm still not turning you though. Ryan said why? I said I didn't wanna say this in front of Damon and Elena. But I think I'm getting close to finding a cure. Then once we get married I'll take it and we'll finally be able to be a normal couple. No more being miserable. I'll finally have a normal life, normal husband, maybe a kid if that's still an option. I'll finally be happy with my life. But yeah I wasn't trying to be an asshole when I refused to turn you. I didn't wanna say anything around Damon or Elena. Because I knew they'd try to get it before me and I've been miserable for 600 years. Ricky said what would you do if Chris went behind you back and got turned? I said that is literal ultimate betrayal to me. If you ever do that to me I will leave you. Chris said I know. I said anyways y'all wanna watch a movie or something? Ryan said sure. I turned on scream 5....

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