"W-Well, you two look alike~! I thought it was you~!" Yuya whined slightly, giggling as he did so, "But then I realized it was other Uncle Yugi~!"

Yami chuckled at this statement, bouncing Yuya ever so slightly.

"Other Uncle Yugi?"

"Yep~!! I was thinking about Cousin Yugi, but it didn't fit. So I chose Other Uncle Yugi~!!"

Yugi smiled.

"Hi, Other Uncle Yugi~!!" Yuya beamed, waving at Yugi in the adorable little way he always did so.

"Heya, Yuya~!" Yugi responded, smiling back.

Yami laughed and set Yuya down. He looked at him, slightly laughing from his cuteness and silliness.

"So, Yuya. Can you tell me where your mom is?" He asked.

"I don't wanna go back to her!!" Yuya clutched him, burying his face in Yami's pant leg, "She's not as fun as you are!!"

Yami ran his fingers through his hair, chuckling again. He picked Yuya up once more and turned around, the front desk being just a few floors away from the three of them.

"I don't wanna leave my uncles..." Yuya muttered, "...My mom doesn't have as much fun as you two do..."

Yugi looked at him with a look of understanding in his purple gaze.

"But your mom loves you." Yugi smiled slightly, running his fingers through Yuya's green and red hair, messing with his goggles and making Yuya laugh slightly, "I don't think she'd be very happy if you ran away to be with Uncle Yami and Uncle Yugi."

"Other Uncle Yugi." Yami corrected him in an exaggerated way, his eyebrows raising.

Yuya laughed at what he said to Yugi. Yugi did the same, causing Yami to have a slight smile form upon his lips too.

"Yuya!!" A woman's voice rang out from the front desk once Yugi and Yami stepped out of the elevator, still holding Yuya.

Yuya looked over his shoulder, his eyes falling on a blonde haired woman whose hair was in a blonde ponytail. Yami set Yuya down and Yuya had no other choice but to run into her arms. Yami and Yugi stood side by side, smiling at the sight.

"Mommy~!" Yuya said, finally smiling happily and his mother picked him up off the floor and held him just as Yami had done not too long ago.

"Oh Yuya, please stop doing that." His mother slightly laughed nervously and scornfully, looking at Yami and Yugi both, "I'm so sorry if he caused any trouble. He's just like his father. Always loud enough to hear, but quiet enough to vanish."

Yuya's mother poked his nose, Yuya's eyes going crossed for a slight second before he giggled again, innocently. Yami shook his head and Yugi swatted the air, dismissing her apology.

"Momma~! Momma, Momma, Momma!" Yuya bounced in her arms before she turned around, "They're my new uncles!!"

Yuya's mother looked at him slightly, tilting her head. Yugi and Yami both found themselves laughing at him ever so slightly as Yuya nodded excitedly at his mother.

"Yep~!" Yuya beamed, pointing, "That is my Uncle Yami and the other one is my Other Uncle Yugi~!"

His mother slightly giggled finally, shaking her head. And grinning at Yami and Yugi.

"Well, it's very nice to meet you both, Uncle Yami and Uncle Yugi." She smiled, still holding her son close.

"Other Uncle Yugi!" Yuya and Yugi playfully pressed, poking her cheek, "Get it right!"

Yami laughed. He ruffled Yuya's hair and looked at them both.

"Well, don't let us keep you from going home." Yami said to both of them, "I don't wanna keep someone from getting his naptime."

Yuya suddenly yawned at the sound of naptime and he shook his head slowly and sleepily.

"I-I don't get tired!" Yuya responded, his mother laughing and turning as well.

"Well, thanks again, you two." She said, walking for the door, "I hope my son didn't cause any trouble behind my back while he escaped from my clutches."

Yugi laughed, "Don't worry, your son did absolutely nothing to disturb anyone in any way, shape or form!"

Yami nodded, "How can a cute kid like that do so?"

The mom looked back at him with a playful 'are you serious' look, "Oh. You have no idea." She said, smirking and gaining laughter from both of them.

With that, the woman left the hospital. Yugi turned to look at Yami.

"You know what time it is?" He asked him, "I'm kinda hungry, now that I think about it."

"I think it's time for you to get a watch." Yami said, "..........bad joke. I know. Leave me alone."

Yugi shrugged, looking at him.

"I didn't say anything!" He smiled ever so slightly.

"You didn't have to say anything!" Yami laughed, looking at the time on the clock over the front desk, "I'd say it was about...break time for us hard working doctors. What say you, my hard working friend?"

"I say it is well deserved." Yugi raised his nose playfully, linking arms with Yami, "..my hard working friend."

"Then shall we go then, hard working friend?"

"We shall, hard working friend."

The two of them playfully skipped down to the break room, laughing at their little shenanigans that they always got themselves into. Whether it be childish or just plain tense work, there was always something to relieve any pain or concern.

It was just something about Yami.

Or maybe it was something about Yugi...

Or perhaps it was something about both of them that made it feel that way.

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