Chapter 26: Foundation

Start from the beginning

The large man quickly spoke back, "nah Boss, you really don't need to apologize to me at all. I was just doing my job, and plus I definitely deserved it. I disrespected you when you requested my presence, and I said horrible things about the Faunus. You've treated me the way I deserved to be, actually you were probably a bit nicer to me than I deserved, so this was the least I could do" he said as he bowed again to his Boss.

A small smile formed underneath his mask as he heard Junior's response, and in that moment, he dropped the top of his mask, revealing his glowing red eyes. "Damn, Junior got completely humbled in a single day, perfect. It seems that you are a pretty trustworthy individual Hei Xiong, you've earned my respect. There is no longer any need for me to keep up appearances with you, you now have a place at my table."

The former gang leader quickly understood the meaning of his Bosses words and in response he stood from his chair and kneeled down in front of the Reaper's desk. "I promise I won't let you down Boss! However, I would like it if you'd continue to call me Junior!"

"Of course, Junior, now is there any other important information you need to alert me of?"

Junior rose from his kneeling position and sat back down in his blood drench "The last thing I investigated yesterday was the involvement of the White Fang in Vale, and what I found was... interesting. They haven't made any moves in the city, no recruitments, meetings, robberies, or anything like that, but they have been actively hijacking dust shipments in other cities and stuff. Most people that I discussed this with think that the White Fang is going to start making moves on Vale's Dust imports, but as far as making moves inside the city there haven't been any."

"Interesting," the Reaper said as he began thinking, "listen up, I am about to let you in on a little bit of what I have planned for the future, so listen closely." Everyone in the room skootched a tad bit closer, besides Hel and Scylla, as they were interested in what he had to say. "Firstly, Junior, we will be putting an end to Roman Torchwick's antics, fully taking control of the underground scene here in Vale. And following that event, we will be taking his place, thus 'partnering' with Cinder and her group for a while. There is no real telling how most of this may go down, however we will be joining Cinder's Faction as her muscle and connections throughout the city. If what Junior said is correct then when we kill Roman, and I take his place, I'll be able to function as Roman did in Rwby, and I can function the same way Adam did, therefore removing the White Fang completely from the equation. Then they can remain relatively quiet, and out of public disdain for a while."

The twins accepted his idea with no questions, but Junior on the other hand looked confusingly at his Boss. "What exactly do you need from Cinder Fall? If you kill Roman then you'll control all of Vale, and then, if anything, you could recruit Cinder and have her work under you. It seems like there would be no reason to become subservient to her."

"I like where your mind is at Junior, but I won't be subservient to Cinder in any way, it'll be more like a partnership. However, Cinder would never work under anybody else considering the fact that she is already working under someone much more powerful" the Reaper explained.

This response only raised another question within Junior, "who is she working under then?"

"That is not a question I can answer right now, and it may be one that I can never truly answer. However, just know that they are incredibly powerful, even more so than I am right now." The entire room tensed up and gulped at his response, they couldn't even imagine someone being as powerful as him, but since he was the one that said it they had no choice but to accept his statement. "Let's quickly move onto the next order of business, if there is anything else anyone would like to say, now is the time."

The Awakened One, Book 1: RemnantWhere stories live. Discover now