Madam Hadkins turn to face Tom after leaving vial of Pepper-up potion on her bedside. "You can go back to your dorm now, mister Riddle. You can visit miss Lavigne in the morning."

But Tom didn't want to leave, he wasn't going to sleep that night anyways. He was too anticipated for the answers from his long question of who was in his family tree. Just the thought of finally knowing added to Tom's adrenaline.

"It was my mistake leaving her in the Astronomy tower, madam Hadkins. Please, allow me to stay with her tonight. I want to look after her." A pleading tone to his voice made the matron debate whether or not to let the boy stay.

The begging look he gave her made her sigh and nod. "Alright fine. But you go back as soon as the sun rises, alright? Don't want you catching a cold and spreading it elsewhere in the castle."

With that, the matron went back to her station, exiting the hospital wing.

Tom stood beside her bed, looking at her with a frown on his face. Thoughts were running in his head. This was the second time Lavigne has fainted in her stay at Hogwarts, and chucking it up to a mere cold doesn't quite sit right with Tom.

Realizing he would be there for the whole night, he summoned a book from his room with the accio charm and sat on a stool beside her bed.

There, he read to pass time.



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Everything was numb.

In her head was nothing but haziness and the urge to eat. She didn't feel the pain of her flesh tearing or the gnawing of her insides, begging to be fed fresh blood.

Then the smell hit her.

A familiar savory scent. It was ambrosial—similar to what sweet fruits would smell like, metallic and fresh. Wisps of barley whiskey and ground coffee was also present, making her stomach groan even more.

It was an aroma like no other.

She shifted on her bed, not even realizing she was on one. Noises left her mouth unintentionally, grunting and whining. Her eyes was still closed, unable to open them, only focusing on the smell that was the the left of her. Ivory's breath quickened, her chest heaving up and down as she neared the source of the smell.

Then suddenly, the waves of pain caught up to her.

One second she was numb, then the next she was writhing in agony. Ivory curled and twisted, her body convulsing, punishing her for the lack of nourishment it needed. Tom stood up, looking at her with worried and confused eyes. He didn't know what to do, he didn't know what was wrong.

"Lavigne? Lavigne!" He hissed, gripping her shoulders in attempt to control her writhing movements.

Pinned down on the bed by her shoulders, the girls movements restricted. Ivory opened her eyes to see nothing but white, hazy and blurry. It was as if she had a veil pulled over her eyes. But when she turned to the left, there she saw a figure pulsating red. The pulsation was rhythmic, slightly catching up speed as she stared at it longer. It's silhouette and smell familiar to her, but Ivory couldn't quite remember where she knew it from.

Tom watched her with wide, blue eyes, and she was staring at his figure with a deep set of reds.

With Tom still in shock, Ivory leaped at him, causing for them to tumble on the floor. The last bits of her strength was reserved for this moment, for her to overpower her pray. She tried to hold back but her body was experiencing starvation after a long time of being full.

Maybe Beauxbatons had spoiled her.

Tom banged his arm on the nightstand as he struggled to get up. Ivory ended up rolling farther from him, her pain increasing as her head hit the stone floor. But that didn't stop her from clawing at him, her nails now longer and sharper. The thin piece of fabric that was Tom's pants ripped as Ivory's claws gripped him, scratching his skin in the process.

"Ivory! Stop!" Tom struggled to shout.

But the girl didn't hear anything, fueled only by predatory senses now. She was focused on his red figure, the pulsation now wildly thumping, fueling her hunger and need for blood, throwing all her practices and beliefs out the window.

A pull on his leg made Tom slide downwards towards Ivory. Ivory's hands now reached up at his torso, slowly getting up as she did so. He still struggled to get up with inhumanely strong hands grabbing his upper body.

"Ivory! Stop now, please!" Tom still pleaded, looking down to her, only to find her now lunging in for him.

A painful groan fell from his lips and without minutes notice, Ivory was on top of him, sitting astride his chest and pinning his arms down.

He looked up at her, confused and in pain. Tom didn't know what was happening, why she was lying cold on the bed one minute and on top trying to strangle him the next. Why her eyes now glowed a harsh crimson color instead of warm umber.

Why she turned into this creature.

They stilled, both of them breathing heavily. Ivory was looking down on him, vision still a pulsing red. Tom was looking up to her, head racing on how he could get out of her grasp. He noticed the growing weight on his chest with each passing second, making it harder for him to think.

Ivory's breathing grew labored and as she breathed in through her mouth, Tom noticed the long canines on her upper and lower teeth where there hadn't been before.

As Ivory was about to lean in with bared teeth, Tom casted a nonverbal Incarcerous spell wandlessly that sent Ivory a few fleet off of him. Thin cords appeared out of thin air and shot out towards her, binding and strangling Ivory as she writhed, struggling to free herself from the constricting cords.

Hastily, Tom struggled to sit up as he backed away from her. With one last look at the squirming girl, he reached out to his wand at the nightstand, pointing it at her, ready to cast another spell if need be.

Finally, Ivory ripped free from the cords that was choking her. She coughed, face down on the cold stone floor as she strained to get air in her lungs. The tight cords leaving lingering pressure on her neck, a buzzing and ringing now adding to her dizzy head. The white-filled veil now slowly disappearing, her vision slowly coming back to her.

"What are you?" Tom whispered, unable to keep his curiosity down despite her attack on him.

"A night mare."

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